June 2024 (203)

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Quick Take…Are they going to replace Biden?

Ever since Joe Biden’s senior moments were broadcast nationwide in the first Presidential Debate of 2024, everyone has been talking about replacing him as the Democratic nominee. And I mean everyone. Forbes, CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, the BBC, the Evening Standard, Bloomberg, The […]

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62 Children A Day Killed In Gaza While Another 79 Children A Day Are Buried, Detained Or Displaced

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://tlavagabond.substack.com/p/62-children-a-day-killed-in-gaza Want to send a […]

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Don’t Kid Yourself

So many people I read or talk to seem to think that we shrews are making inroads, primarily in the court system. “This is all crumbling down,” they cheer. “The truth is coming out, we are winning!” Fat chance. Now, I don’t want to be a 24/7 doomsayer—I DO believe there has been some successful […]

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TLAV Locked Out Of Website, Bolivia Coup Attempt, Debate Theater & The World's Fight Against Zionism

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://tlavagabond.substack.com/p/tlav-locked-out-of-website-bolivia Want to send […]

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AUDIO: Predicting the CBDC Rollout

James Corbett joins Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio to talk about the looming threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies. You can read our full CBDC archive here. Reality Check Radio is an independent radio station based in New Zealand. Tune in via their website. A full transcript is available […]

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The Great Biden Freak-Out

Suddenly that segment of the country that depends on the mainstream media for its news has made a horrific discovery: They’ve been lied to again. Biden really is…that bad. Now that same elite media is desperately struggling to put the toothpaste back in the tube. What’s next for the presidential […]

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UK Column News - 28th June 2024

Mike Robinson, Debi Evans and Ben Rubin with today’s UK Column News.Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Going back into ‘hell’: An aid worker’s journey through shattered Gaza

Over and above the difficulty of actually getting into Gaza, aid teams now face the crushing realization that with a shortage of fuel and dwindling supplies, there is a limit to what they can do to help all those in need, UN aid worker Louise Wateridge told UN News on Friday.Original post on UN News […]

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Progress and Potatoes

Please note this is a humour piece which is not something people may want to read depending on the state of your country and how demoralized/angry you may be about the state of the world. Seriously. And so it was that the two old women (who would not admit to being old at all and …Original post on […]

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Missed this in History Class?

Must have been playing hooky that day.   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell […]

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Assange is Free, But Speech...? Not so much. - New World Next Week

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/nwnw559/ This week on the New World Next Week: Assange is free but speech isn’t as the 9/11 denier pleads guilty to espionage; a new video shows a tourist in Washington as Uncle Sam plays the Get Into Saudi Arabia Free card; and the US psyops teams […]

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Why you should NEVER believe your eyes

The ad is simple. A bus is held up in traffic after hitting a fruit cart, a young female passenger looks out her window at a handsome young man in a convertible. She gets out of the bus, gets in the car, and the man drives her away like a chauffeur while she’s eating a …Original post on OffGuardian


Trump Vs Biden On Stage: Fight Of The Century...Or Snoozefest?

Are you going to watch the debate tonight? It’s billed as the battle of the ages, but with all the rules and biases built in, how much actual drama can we expect? Will anyone change their minds? Also today: How did the Left and Right both get the Supremes so wrong on Murthy v. Missouri? … […]

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Fried Zucchini

Zucchini Egg Milk Breadcrumbs […]

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Gaza: Aid constraints and health issues persist amid ongoing conflict

Delivery of humanitarian aid in Gaza remains a difficult and frustrating task for UN and partner agencies as the conflict there grinds on amid intense civilian suffering.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


Freedom isn't free - The Grayzone live

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the release of Julian Assange from 14 years in captivity and what it means for the future of antiwar journalism. They will also cover the Israel lobby’s opening salvo in the 2024 campaign and the latest from the war in Gaza. … […]

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US To Lebanon: 'We Will Defend Israel If War Breaks Out'

A new article in Politico reports that senior Biden Administration officials have warned Lebanon that if Hezbollah retaliates to any Israeli attack in Lebanon, the US will become involved. Thus the Biden Administration commits the US to a possible major war in the Middle East while Congress […]

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UK Column News - 26th June 2024

Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley and Charles Malet with today’s UK Column News.Original post on UKColumn News […]

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581- Pills & Chemicals do not Provide Health, Nature Does (Free)

Correct nutrition is the basis for good health, in my view. Here is an example or two. I was dealing with trigger finger for some years and then came to find out I was lacking magnesium, as so many of us are. Once I found a quality source, I began taking it daily and the trigger finger vanished in […]

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Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim to Force Us into Smart Gulags

Shocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future. The criminocratic global imperialists often use their Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny – think of […]

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Clearing the Decks - Questions For Corbett

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/clearing-the-decks/ In an effort to clear the decks and make way for another deep-dive, focused Questions For Corbett, today James run through a dozen or so quick questions. Enjoy! ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SHOW NOTES WITH LINKS TO ALL OF THE ARTICLES, […]

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Forging A New Antiwar Movement, With Special Guest Dennis Kucinich

There is a new antiwar coalition building outside the uniparty doupoly, with rebels in the US House on "Left" and "Right" joining together to oppose US hyper-interventionism and lurching toward World War III. Former US Congressman, current candidate, and lifetime peace activist […]

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Assange Forced To Trade Guilty Plea For Freedom, Multiple Gaza Schools Bombed & Razing Zionist Lies

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/assange-gaza-schools-zionist-lies Want to […]

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The Seeds of Change—with Mark Byford

The Bowler Hat Farmer speaks to Charles Malet about the pitfalls and pressures in modern farming and how to break away from the system, for the benefit of the farmer, the customer and the environment. Read the write-up at: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/the-seeds-of-change-with-mark-byfordOriginal […]

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Jun 25 Garden


Garden update. […]

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    on June 25, 2024, 08:00, for a period of 2 minutes


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New famine alert for Gaza where families go days without food

Gaza remains on famine alert after food security experts warned on Tuesday that more than one in five households “go entire days without eating”.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


Security Council: Regional crisis deepens as Gaza war grinds on

While the situation in Gaza remains catastrophic, ongoing Israeli settlement expansion and escalating violence in the occupied West Bank is ratcheting up tension across the whole region, the UN’s Middle East envoy said on Tuesday.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle […]

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Syria: Security Council highlights escalating crisis and civilian suffering

Syria continues in a state of “grave crisis” with civilian suffering on the rise, the UN Security Council heard during a briefing on Tuesday.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


TALK THREAD: Assange Gets a Plea Deal

Late last night it was suddenly reported that after five years in Belmarsh Prison – and seven years essentially under house arrest in the Ecuadorian embassy – Julian Assange was pleading guilty as part a deal to secure his release. The reported terms of the deal are that Assange will plead guilty to […]

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Ukraine Bombs Crimea Using Human Shield Narrative & Netanyahu Admits To "Mowing The Grass" In Rafah

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/ukraine-bombs-crimea-mowing-grass Want to […]

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US Cluster Bombs Hit Beachgoers In Crimea; Russia Issues Strong Warning

US-supplied cluster bombs were used on beachgoers in Crimea yesterday, killing at least six and injuring more than 100. Moscow has warned that "such actions will not go unanswered." Is this a NATO attempt to provoke a Russian reaction to justify further involvement? Next moves? … […]

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Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

“In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is […]

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UK Column News - 24th June 2024

Brian Gerrish, Mark Anderson, and Alex Thomson with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-24th-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Understanding Metaverse/Web 3.0...

Special bonus video episode - A video compilation explaining the technologies that are being used to develop the next generation systems for an interconnected world… The good, the bad, and the ugly… Understanding The Infrastructure Of The Metaverse - Web 3.0 is coming, featuring new virtual […]

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Chief of key UN agency in Gaza warns ‘entire generation’ could be lost

The head of the main UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, issued a stark warning on Monday that it “will crumble” unless funding is found quickly, with an “entire generation” of children at risk of being condemned to “poverty…hatred, resentment and future conflict”. Original post […]

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I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!)

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/the-most-dangerous-superstition/ In the EXACT OPPOSITE of the tradition of the "I Read … So You Don’t Have To" series of podcasts, today James presents a read-through / exploration of a book you actually really SHOULD read: The Most […]

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Like “Vaccines Passports,” The "War On Cash" Will Ultimately Fail

Fortunately, for the sake of our remaining freedom, the idea and implementation of “vaccine passports” failed miserably. The desires of our corporatist and special-interest run government was laid bare for all of us to see. We American citizens should never rest on our laurels though. The “war on […]

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MSM Signaling a change in the Russia-Ukraine Narrative?

Two major incidents in the last week suggest we might be about to see a change in the narrative surrounding the Russian war in Ukraine. First we saw Piers Morgan interviewing economist and former US diplomat Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. Sachs is noted for his eloquent and historically literate takes on the […]

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1984@75 – We Are Not Human

The second of our short videos marking the 75th anniversary of George Orwell’s 1984Original post on OffGuardian


580.5- There Goes My Hero, Stepping Up Against Tyranny (Free)

We would be living in a very different world right now had many of us conducted ourselves as our guest did back in 2020. She demonstrates that rights do not exist unless you know the law, your rights… and then defend those rights. Change is coming fast and furious as the era shifts, and your rights […]

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Looking Forward to the Future

It seems to be a common consensus among shrew types that most likely we will end up in a world similar to the world of Mad Max, or 1984, or something even worse. For me, A Brave New World sort of existence is more likely. Maybe that first, and Mad Max later—that’s possible. Maybe A …Original post on […]

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Zucchini easy to grow in PA


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Brad Miller Interview - A Declaration Of Military Accountability & Foreign Influence Over US Policy

Joining me today is Brad Miller, here to discuss the current status of COVID-19 injection mandates, where he thinks this agenda could go next, as well as his overview of COVID-19 as an agenda. We also discuss a very important letter that has been signed by hundreds of current and former members of […]

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UK Column News - 21st June 2024

Mike Robinson, Debi Evans, Ben Rubin and guest Cheryl Grainger with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-21st-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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‘World cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza’: Guterres

The UN Secretary-General on Friday voiced profound concern over escalating violence and “bellicose rhetoric” between Israel and Hezbollah militants across the frontier with Lebanon, warning that one false move could trigger a catastrophe for the whole region and beyond.Original post on UN News - […]

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Gaza is more than two million stories of loss: UN agencies

Gaza is “a world of devastation” and still in the grip of war after nearly nine months of conflict, UN humanitarians just back from the enclave reported on Friday, as they described widespread destruction and stories of pregnant mothers forced to request preterm C-sections out of desperation and […]

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Bird Flu Update: signposts of the coming rollout

Two days ago we published my latest bird flu article, “How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase”. Less than 12 hours later Salon published a 3000-word article about bird flu, which dedicates about 2000 of those words to “experts” talking about how we’re not testing enough […]

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Peace, peace, when there is no peace - The Grayzone live

Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal discuss new mainstream coverage of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia back in 2023 amid Zelensky’s bogus peace summit, Russian retaliation against US arming of Ukraine, new threats by Netanyahu against a cowering Biden administration, and Israel’s continuing […]

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Israel Spokesman: Defeating Hamas 'Unachievable.' Bibi: 'Send More Bombs!'

As the Israeli operation in Gaza continues to miss achieving its goals of eliminating Hamas, in-fighting inside the government is heating up. Recently an IDF spokesman said it was "unachievable" to defeat Hamas, as the IDF rushed to "clarify" his statement. Meanwhile Netanyahu […]

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A Conversation with Darryl Ingram — South West Devon Parliamentary Candidate, Heritage Party

Good people are standing up to challenge the Conservative-Labour political monopoly of UK politics. Darryl Ingram is one of those brave people and he’s proud to stand under the Heritage Party banner. Read the write-up at:  […]

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Gaza today: Scorching heat, visible signs of wasting and heavy fighting

Desperate shortages of essentials in Gaza have left the enclave’s most vulnerable individuals struggling to carry on amid stifling heat, heavy fighting, disease spread and a breakdown in law and order, UN humanitarians warned on Thursday.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | […]

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James Corbett Predicts the CBDC Rollout on Reality Check Radio

TRANSCRIPT AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/the-cbdc-rollout/ via realitycheck.radio: "Independent journalist James Corbett from The Corbett Report joins us to discuss CBDCs, Digital IDs, and more. You won’t want to miss this one!" ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SHOW NOTES WITH LINKS TO ALL […]

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Max Blumenthal standup set at Icarus Fest 2024

Max Blumenthal delivers comedy standup at Icarus Fest, tearing into Israeli war propaganda, US corporate media and the presidential clown show. Filmed at the historic Williams Theater in Rutherford, NJ on June 7, 2024. ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com Support our […]

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Israel Falsely Claims Gaza Famine A "Hoax" As It Continues To Block Aid & Bomb Starving Population

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/israel-claims-gaza-famine-hoax Want to […]

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'Fake Refugees' In Ireland...And The US?

Ireland’s Ryanair CEO has blasted as "fake" the refugees pouring into Ireland on his airline. They’re coming from the UK and France - they are not economic refugees. Do we have a similar scam going in the US? Also today: Germany moves to ban the second most popular political party…for […]

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UK Column News - 19th June 2024

Mike Robinson, Charles Malet and Vanessa Beeley with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-19th-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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580- Nutrition & Health in an Era of Sickness, Taking Control (Free)

In the current era death and sickness seem to be at an all time high. At least when compared to recent decades. From toxic chemicals in everything, to food that lacks basic nutrition, we are beginning to experience the importance of nutrition, and what happens when it is lacking. Poor nutrition […]

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Independent rights probe highlights Israeli ‘destruction and dislocation’ tactics in Gaza

High-level independent human rights investigators reiterated serious concerns on Wednesday about the legality of the Israeli army’s conduct in Gaza and pushed back at claims that their inquiry has done too little to highlight the ongoing ordeal of hostages captured by Palestinian militants.Original […]

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Laws of war likely ‘consistently violated’ in Israeli strikes on Gaza: UN rights office

A UN probe into the Israeli military’s bombing of Gaza has pointed to the laws of war being “consistently violated” with regard to the use of hugely powerful bombs and an alleged lack of distinction between combatants and civilians, the Organization’s human rights chief said on Wednesday.Original […]

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Winning the Fluoride Fight - #SolutionsWatch

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/winning-the-fluoride-fight/ Joining us today is Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs’ in the #FluorideLawsuit. We discuss the history of the lawsuit, what’s at stake, and how people who are concerned about the fluoridation of the water […]

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The Undeniable Reality Of October 7th Foreknowledge & The Hannibal Directive

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/october-7-hannibal-directive Want to send […]

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How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known as OffGuardian. The wall-to-wall coverage of Bird Flu is getting wallier-to-wallier with each passing week, to the point it’s almost hard to keep up with the waves of hot takes and chilling insights. But if you’re […]

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Kansas Sues Pfizer Over Bogus Vax Claims

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach has filed a lawsuit against the Big Pharma heavyweight Pfizer over alleged false claims by the company over the safety and effectiveness of its mRNA Covid-19 shot. Are the floodgates about to open? Also today: the US Surgeon General wants to put cigarette-like […]

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You will be tagged and you will love it

As expected, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was the hottest anti-globalist multipolar traditional RETVRN values conference of 2024—possibly of all-time. The unipolar world suffered non-stop humiliations during this mind-blowing freedom event. For example, Moscow Region governor […]

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Blocked by the MHRA, reported to the Health Security Agency—A day in the life of vaccine-injured Adam Rowland

As AstraZeneca forges on creating more ‘vaccines’, what about those left behind who have lost everything? Blocked on social media by the UK’s medicines regulator and reported to a government agency for ‘misinformation’, Adam tells what life is like when you are vaccine-injured or bereaved. Read the […]

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Gaza: UN rights chief slams ‘unconscionable death and suffering’

As the war drags on in Gaza, UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Tuesday condemned Israel’s “relentless” attacks across the war-shattered enclave, while repeating longstanding calls for the release of all remaining hostages.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


Kittanning Online Shop

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Weekly Update --- We Spent a Billion Dollars Fighting the Houthis…and Lost

… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69l2YPu7tuYOriginal post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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Israel Follow-up – Whistleblowers, Protests and Resignations

Two weeks ago I wrote a piece, “Are the powers-that-be preparing to cut Israel loose?”, speculating on the future of the Israel/Gaza narrative and suggesting that Israel’s days in the “good guys club” might be over soon. I just wanted to do a brief follow-up on this, adding some more interesting […]

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'Hell No We Won't Go?' - House Passes Automatic Military Draft Registration

This year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has a little surprise for males between 18-26 in the US: Automatic registration for the military draft! As the US moves closer to war with Russia, will a new generation of Americans say, "hell no, we won’t go"? Also today: NATO claims […]

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The Philosophy Of Fire...

Reading from a 1920 reprint of a book titled, "The Philosophy Of Fire", originally published in 1905 by Dr. Reuben Swinburne Clymer… www.alchemicaltechrevolution.com www.alchemicaltechrevolution.com/atr-healthOriginal post on Alchemical Tech Revolution


UK Column News - 17th June 2024

Brian Gerrish, Mark Anderson, and Prof. Diane Rasmussen McAdie with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-17th-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Regenerative Agriculture - #SolutionsWatch

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/regenerative-agriculture/ We all know the problem of The Future of Food. So, who’s ready for the solution? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James examines regenerative agriculture, one of the solutions that is already being used to wean us off the […]

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Timely Lessons About Tyranny from the Father of the Constitution

“Take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.” James Madison James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights would become mere “parchment barrier,” words on paper ignored by successive generations of Americans. How right he was. […]

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The Great Partisan Reset, UN Says Nuseirat "Rescue" Illegal Massacre & The Ceasefire/Starvation Ploy

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/partisan-reset-nuseirat-starvation Want to […]

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1984@75 – The Lottery

The first of our short videos marking the 75th anniversary of George Orwell’s 1984Original post on OffGuardian


The parallel universe the legacy media insist we’re living in

Hey people, are you seeing this? You might have less money, more debt, massive energy bills, your chickens might be about to be culled, your car rendered unusable, your health permanently destroyed by a safe and effective “vaccine”… but look, the Princess of Wales is wearing a big hat! And a STRIPEY […]

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The Death of the Shadow

Recently my sister gave me an article written in a weekly magazine that the El Convento Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico printed back in 1963. The little magazine was titled The San Juan Diary published once a week. It was chock full of ads (more ads than print copy!) primarily advertising for […]

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Life After The Bubble: With Special Guest Graham Summers

Graham Summers joins us today to discuss his new book: Into The Abyss. Amazon link: https://a.co/d/9J1wjqp … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0r1Y07vSS0Original post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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How to Boycott Big Food

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/how-to-boycott-big-food-2013/ FROM 2013: As with every such transition, the move from an industrial food diet to a homegrown, organic one is likely to occur in gradual stages. As people improve their gardening skills and devote more of their time […]

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Welcome to the Age of Abstraction

The UK Metereological Office has just reported that we have enjoyed the hottest May on record. Meanwhile, those of us who have lived in the UK during May have endured unseasonal cold and rain, and have complained to one another constantly about it. Welcome to the age of abstraction, when lived […]

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Anya Parampil: How US sanctions, regime change triggered migration wave

"Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of Empire" author and Grayzone contributor Anya Parampil explains the role that punishing US financial warfare on Venezuela have played in the latest wave of migration across the US-Mexico border. Get a copy of Parampil’s book here: […]

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Joe Biden has no red lines on Israeli violence

Following Israel’s massacre of refugees in tents west of Rafah, The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss continuing Biden admin arms transfers and diplomatic support for Tel Aviv. ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com Support our original journalism at […]

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Israel's state terror strategy: Max Blumenthal and Ilan Pappe

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal joins Ilan Pappe, trailblazing Israeli revisionist historian and author of "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" to discuss how the Israeli military relies on state terror as part of its doctrine to suppress resistance to its occupation of Palestine. This event […]

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USAID staffer resigns over Biden admin lies on Gaza

The Grayzone’s Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal on the latest resignation from the Biden administration over its disastrous Gaza policy, Stacy Gilbert, who accused her bosses of lying about humanitarian aid. ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com Support our original […]

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NY Times can't even say 'Palestinian land'

The Grayzone’s Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal on the embarrassing language deployed by the NY Times to conceal Israel’s illegal military occupation. ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com Support our original journalism at Patreon: https://patreon.com/grayzone Facebook: […]

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Shocking contrast in captives emerging from Gaza, Israeli prisons

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate examine the obvious difference in the way Hamas and the Israeli army have treated their respective captives, and how it further discredits mainstream media narratives. ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com Support our […]

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Was the US military involved in Israel's heinous market massacre?

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate examine open source evidence showing that the Israeli military made use of the US Army’s dysfunctional "aid" pier in Gaza, as well as a fake humanitarian aid truck, to conduct a hideous massacre in the course of a hostage rescue operation. ||| […]

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Times of London calls BS on major Oct 7 hoax

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate on the Times of London repackaging their research to call out Israel’s bogus allegations of mass sexual assault by Palestinian militants on October 7. ||| The Grayzone ||| Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com Support our original journalism at Patreon: […]

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WATCH: The Future of Food

We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they’re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. […]

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Nature's Solution To Health Problems...

Tahitian Noni, The Original Superfruit, Has Been Clinically Proven To Help With Numerous Health Problems. Here Is How It Was Discovered. This is the story of how “Superfruits”, and specifically, Tahitian Noni, were introduced to the western world. Take back your health and be part of the revolution […]

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Political Prisoner Denied Access to his Children—with Laura Towler

Laura Towler tells Charles Malet about HMP Hull’s decision to restrict all contact between her husband, Sam Melia, and their children, after he was imprisoned to be made an example of. Read the write-up at: […]

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UK Column News - 14th June 2024

Mike Robinson, Debi Evans and Ben Rubin with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-14th-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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‘Better late than never’: Gazans react to Security Council ceasefire resolution

A cautious welcome was given by civilians in Gaza to this week’s Security Council resolution endorsing a ceasefire for hostages deal - mixed with frustration that the fighting continues with both Hamas and the Israeli Government signalling that the three phase plan falls short.Original post on UN […]

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Conflict and lawlessness hamper food aid delivery in Gaza: WFP

Escalating fighting in the south and centre of Gaza makes it near-impossible for humanitarians to deliver desperately needed food aid, the Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), Carl Skau, said on Friday at the end of a two-day mission to the enclave. Original post on UN News - […]

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#IndependentsDay: Andrew Bridgen

Mike Robinson speaks to Andrew Bridgen about what it’s like to stand as an independent in North West Leicestershire, what it’s like standing up to the whips in the House of Commons, why certain topics are not on the election agenda and why Tony Blair introduced public inquiries as a means of […]

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Damage is a Given

The heavy rains are rich with life in the Spring. Even when the lilacs have died and the wafting scent of lily-of-the-valley has faded. Summer will come very soon, although it seems a long Spring this time and that is something to celebrate because it freshens the air and whispers its promises. We […]

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TLAV Lawfare, Sudan War Caused/Exploited By US/Israel & Damning UN Reports Destroy Israeli Narrative

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/tlav-lawfare-sudan-israel-un Want to send […]

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Scamdemic 2: Bird Flu Boogaloo - New World Next Week

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/nwnw558/ This week on the New World Next Week: The WHO is preparing to drop Scamdemic 2 with the bird flu bogeyman; Japan’s birthrate falls to yet another record low while the government plays dating app on the Titanic; and Adobe shoots itself in […]

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GOP Moves To Defund Ukraine 'Enemies List' NGO - More Political Theater?

Faced with broad outrage after a US government-linked Ukrainian NGO published an "enemies list" containing the names of several Members and Senators, the US House GOP moved yesterday to ban any further funding to the NGO. But…they will leave the rest of the funding for Ukraine intact. […]

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UN envoy warns Yemenis not to return to the battlefield

After months of relative stability in Yemen between Government and Houthi forces, a return to all-out war is looking inevitable unless the current escalation in violence is halted, the top UN envoy for the country said on Thursday.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle […]

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Gaza: 8,000 children diagnosed with malnutrition amid ongoing shelling

Heavy shelling reported in the so-called safe zone of Al-Mawasi in southern Gaza on Thursday came despite the ongoing international push for a ceasefire and as the UN health agency reported 32 deaths from malnutrition “including 28 among children under five years old”.Original post on UN News - […]

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Blind Woman Refused Entry to Contemporary Church b/c Lights & Loud Music Would Spook Guide Dog

The blind rejecting the blind.  They’re wrong about guide dogs AND Christ.  Then there’s the "Shrek" church… Follow The David Knight Show on Rumble and watch the show live every weekday 9:00am EST – 12:00pm EST: Rumble: The David Knight Show For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends […]

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Wed 12Jun24 Political Felons or Fugitives From FAR More Serious Crimes; Biden Bans LEDs; Civil War Canada, US, Mexico

Another day, another Biden ban of ordinary household items in the name of saving the planet. Climate Alarmism has become Climate Nihilism — destruction/elimination of everything.  Zero Covid is the same as Zero Carbon. Follow The David Knight Show on Rumble and watch the show live every weekday […]

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Desperation! US Lifts Ban On Arming Extremist Ukrainian Brigade

As Ukraine continues to run out of soldiers, the US government has just announced that it will lift the US ban on sending arms to a Ukrainian military unit notorious for its embrace of symbols from Nazi era Germany. The State Department claims that the group is reformed and thus acceptable for the […]

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OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous

The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially revealed as a mainstream position now. As we always predicted it would be. Two weeks ago the New York Times ran a long opinion piece endorsing it (we covered it in This Week). Last week economist Jeffrey Sachs endorsed it in his 2-hour […]

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UK Column News - 12th June 2024

Mike Robinson, Charles Malet and Vanessa Beeley with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-12th-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Wed 12Jun24 Political Felons or Fugitives From FAR More Serious Crimes; Biden Bans LEDs; Civil War Canada, US, Mexico

(2:00) Are HunterOriginal post on The David Knight Show […]

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579- Control, Limitation & 24/7 Tracking – The Age of Electricity (Free)

In this episode we cover the electric car. But in reality, the era of electric everything is at hand. From 15-minute cities, kill switches in cars, and electric money, the writing is on the wall. Electricity will be implemented in systems designed to limit, control and track everyone, every day, […]

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Gaza: Hamas, Israel committed war crimes, claims independent rights probe

Palestinian armed groups and Israeli authorities have both committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the attack on 7 October and the subsequent military operations, according to a new report by a UN independent human rights body.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human […]

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Peter Hammond, Part 2: Taking the Gospel to Marxist Rebels and Islamic Jihadis

Dr. Hammond didn’t just take Bibles and the gospel into totalitarian Marxist and Muslim countries, he took it directly to the armed terrorists in those countries. African Christian missionary, Dr. Peter Hammond, FrontlineMissionSA.org, joins to relay his experiences, arrests, imprisonments, being […]

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Israel Again Feigns Gaza Ceasefire & Clumsy Propaganda Effort To Justify Nuseirat Massacre Continues

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/israel-feigns-ceasefire-nuseirat Want to […]

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Peter Hammond, Part 1: Mandela, the Marxist Terrorist

Dr. Peter Hammond, FrontlineMissionSA.org, joins to discuss Mandela’s legacy hidden by his personal charm.  The myth of martyrdom, the fundamental attack on fundamental morality, and many other things glossed over by journalists and filmmakers in Western nations as in Clint Eastwood’s  […]

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Can RFK Jr. Win? With Special Guest Nicole Shanahan

Tech entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan burst into the American political scene when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr announced her as his running mate in what may be the most significant third-party run in recent memory. She joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss the ideas that animate her campaign and the […]

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Why Is The U.S. Provoking A Direct War With Russia?

When Americans look outward, we so no foreign military bases circling our nation. No occupying troops. No one is sending missiles to Mexico or Canada that can be fired into U.S. territory. And yet, America’s foreign policy is the exact opposite. Endless wars with 800+ military bases peppered all […]

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Hey Ho, The WHO Has Got To Go—with James Roguski

Has the WHO abused its power? How much sway does ‘the biggest country club in the world’ in Geneva now have? Who was paying attention to the World Health Assembly? Read the write-up at: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/hey-ho-the-who-has-got-to-go-with-james-roguskiOriginal post on UKColumn News […]

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Tue 11Jun24 Implications of Court Decision That TrumpShots are NOT Vaccines, Therapeutics

LA schools lose vaccine mandate case that cost over 1,000 people their jobs.  After winning in district court, the school has been slammed in 9th Circuit court • What are the implications of the court ruling that the vaccine is a therapeutic, NOT a vaccine? • What, if anything, does it do the […]

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Over 180 migrants dead or missing in latest tragedy off Yemen, UN agency reports

At least 49 migrants have been killed, including many women and children, and a further 140 are missing after the boat they were on capsized off the coast of Yemen on Monday, the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM) has reported.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human […]

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Gaza: ‘high time’ for ceasefire and hostage release, says Guterres

A comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza linked to the release of all remaining hostages cannot come too soon, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday, as he welcomed the Security Council resolution adopted a day earlier seeking an end to the war there.Original post on UN News - Global […]

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Yemen: UN chief demands release of aid workers held by Houthis

UN Secretary-General António Guterres called on Tuesday for the immediate release of all United Nations staff held in Yemen by the de facto Houthi authorities, following the detention of 13 of the Organization’s personnel. Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


What’s Next for Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way

“I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us gardening and going to schools and kissing our wives. I feel like I have been watched for so long.” Mosab Abu Toha, Palestinian poet If […]

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The Future of Food

TRANSCRIPT AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/future-of-food/ We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad things are, they’re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies […]

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Weekly Update --- Anti-Liberty Conservatives Want More Theft

… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrJzwcuZEtQOriginal post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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A complex war crime - The Grayzone live

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the US role in Israel’s blood soaked rescue of 4 hostages in Gaza, which killed close to 300, and its subsequent denials. They will also cover the Washington Post’s McCarthyite smear of The Grayzone, The Hill’s firing of Brianna Joy Gray, and more. … […]

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Vintage 1950’s accordion in excellent working condition. Clarinet, Master, Bassoon Handcrafted in Italy Measurements: 19 x 16 x 8 Keybed 18 White keys 5 x 3/4 Blue keys 3 x 1/4 Really great piece in exceptional condition, a real survivor. See it at the NoGOV Shop   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  


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US-Backed Ukrainian Group Makes 'Enemies List' Of Americans!

The USAID and State Department-affiliated Ukrainian NGO "TEXTY" has just released an "enemies list" of hundreds of prominent Americans, including Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, the Ron Paul Institute, Tucker Carlson, and many more. Should Americans be forced to pay money to […]

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DISCUSS: The EU Elections and the “Rise of the Far Right”

The so-called “biggest election year of all time” is progressing nicely. Among others, Russia, India, Mexico are done – while Britain, the US and Iran are yet to come. Oh, and France now too. But we’ll get to that. First, the European Union elections are over and done with, and the announced results […]

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UK Column News - 10th June 2024

Brian Gerrish, Mark Anderson and Prof. Diane Rasmussen McAdie with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-10th-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Mon 10Jun24 Best of Interviews: Political Debanking; Indoctrinating Kids; SEALs Beat Biden; Resisting AI

(2:00) KidnapOriginal post on The David Knight Show […]

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Rosicrucianism's Seven Planes Of Existence...

Reading from, "The Secret Doctrine of The Rosicrucians", by Magus Incognito… www.alchemicaltechrevolution.com www.alchemicaltechrevolution.com/atr-healthOriginal post on Alchemical Tech Revolution


Gaza: Security Council adopts US resolution calling for ‘immediate, full and complete ceasefire’

The UN Security Council on Monday adopted a resolution aimed at reaching a comprehensive ceasefire deal in three phases to end the war in Gaza, with US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield telling members "today, we voted for peace."Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories […]

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Support Palestinian women-led organizations at heart of Gaza aid response

The UN agency championing gender equality called on Monday for greater investment in Palestinian women-led organizations who are at the forefront of humanitarian operations in the Gaza Strip. Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


Replacing Hollywood - #SolutionsWatch

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/replacing-hollywood-solutionswatch/ Today we talk to independent filmmaker Teace Snyder about how he managed to make a professional feature-length film, Hold Me, without any studio support. We discuss the need to replace the Hollywood propaganda […]

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This Week in the New Normal #92

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Rishi is throwing the election We wrote in our piece on Rishi Sunak’s national service pledge that the Tories […]

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Under Guise Of Ceasefire Talks & Humanitarian Aid, A Joint US/Israeli Op Killed 274 Gaza Civilians

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/us-israel-kill-274-gaza-civilians Want to […]

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WATCH: The Fight for Health Freedom Continues – #SolutionsWatch

After years of build-up and anticipation, the 77th World Health Assembly has come and gone. So, what did the would-be lords of global health gavel down on? And what does it mean for the future of the fight for health freedom? Join the Jameses, Corbett and Roguski, as they talk about these important […]

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Gaza: Deaths and devastation during hostage rescue operation show ‘seismic trauma’ of ongoing war

The scenes of devastation witnessed in the aftermath of Israel’s military operation to release hostages from the Nuseirat refugee camp proves that each day the war continues “it only grows more horrific” the UN’s top humanitarian official said on Sunday.Original post on UN News - Global perspective […]

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조부모님들은 마스크를 거부해요!

폭군들이 마스크 착용의 이유로 조부모를 이용하도록 놔두지 마십시오. 어떤 적혈구 조부모가 미래 세대가 정부에 의해 재갈을 물리고 피해를 입는 것을 보고 싶겠습니까? 마스크 착용은 자연스럽지 않으며 착용자에게 해를 끼칩니다. 조부모님은 자녀가 해를 입는 것을 원하지 않습니다! 이 부패한 "삐삐" 정치인들이 우리 조부모님을 그들의 의제에 대한 변명으로 이용하도록 놔두지 마십시오. 기억하세요, 조부모님은 정치인을 좋아하지 않으시며 당신도 그러지 말아야 합니다. 폭군을 위한 Google 타르 및 페더링 6. 조부모의 […]

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AUDIO: Kit Knightly on Reality Check Radio

Join OffG editor Kit Knightly for the first of his monthly chats with Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio’s Breakfast Show. Kit and Paul talk about the UK Election, predictions for “the next Pandemic” and much more. Reality Check Radio is an independent radio station based in New Zealand. Tune in […]

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AI and Commercial Music

Del Bigtree recently devoted a segment on his popular program, The Highwire, on the advent of AI in commercial music. Del created a theme song for The Highwire on one of many AI creation websites, the one he chose is Suno.com. See this segment here. So, what do you think? Pretty impressive, huh? I […]

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Charlotte Gerson on Cancer and Disease

Good Video to Watch.   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   […]

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Questions You Must Ask About Testing "Bird Flu"

If we don’t actively resist these lies, they’ll cull our food, poison what remains, and lock us down.  • Why focus only on chickens, cows, and humans.   • Why don’t we test ALL creatures, including Ze Bugs?   • How is the "test" defined?  • How is a "case" defined? For 10% off […]

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What Our Politicians Don't Understand About War or D-Day

Listen to the amazing story of the Army Rangers’ suicide mission. And the story of a single soldier’s suicide mission like all Allied soldiers on D-Day.  The heart and sacrifice seen that day 80 years ago cannot exist without a just cause.  Our leaders today don’t understand that. For 10% off […]

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Bannon, J6ers, Blanket Pardons, Immunity

As Steve Bannon heads to jail while his immunity claim is being appealed, he will be tried by NY for "We Build the Wall" after he was given a pardon by Trump. And what of "blanket pardons"? Could Trump have done it for J6ers? For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends […]

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Israel's Genocide Has Never Been More Obvious & Scientists #Baffled By 22% Decline In Sperm Motility

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/israel-genocide-decline-sperm Want to send […]

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21 Reasons To Use Tahitian Noni - Take Back Your Health!

Dr. Neil Solomon is the leading expert on noni research. Here, he highlights the clinically proven health benefits of Original Tahitian Noni. Can noni help you? YES! Visit: www.alchemicaltechrevolution.com/atr-health Take charge of your health and support the broadcast!Original post on Alchemical […]

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UK Column News - 7th June 2024

Mike Robinson, Debi Evans and Ben Rubin with today’s UK Column News. Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-7th-june-2024 If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Fri 7Jun24 D-Day: What Our Politicians Don't Understand; Questions You MUST Ask About "Bird Flu"

(2:20) 80th D-Day Commemoration was far more important than Biden’s senile antics: • The personal story of a 20 yr old soldier shared by Reagan at the 40th anniversary • Two brothers, one Bible, and the American town that paid the greatest price • Biden surrogates hit Trump as "draft […]

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Amid Gaza war, children now work so families can survive: ILO

Eight months to the day since the Israel-Hamas war erupted in Gaza, the UN labour agency, ILO, warned on Friday that families there now send their children to work just to survive, as unemployment nears a staggering 80 per cent.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle […]

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Earth ate us

NoGOV Art Institute Voltaire wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who/what you are not allowed to criticize.” I added the "what" ????️ Going down the list of who or what you can’t talk bad about a big one stuck out. One so big that it’s weaved in all controlling […]

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Whistling in the Dark

In the morning, the bobolink sings. It always heartens me—listening to the morning chorus of creatures waking up to the sun singing. Imagine. When was the last time any of us woke up singing to greet the day? Probably the mad, the newly-in-love, those who sing for a living and perhaps the children […]

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FDA Advisors Vote For Updated COVID Shots, Bird Flu Hype & Israel Reportedly Put On UN "Blacklist"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/fda-covid-shots-bird-flu-israel-un Want to […]

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Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up of Israeli War Crimes (NWNW 557)

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/nwnw557/ This week on the New World Next Week: a State Dept official blows the whistle on a US government cover up of Israeli war crimes in Gaza; the NSA warns Americans that China is prepositioning for a cyber attack: and a NJ gym owner is cleared […]

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CIA's Palantir and the DAGIR (Dagger) Aimed at YOU

The surveillance state takes a leap forward as Pentagon awards AI contract to the Geospatial Intel company created by CIA’s venture capital firm.  How/when was Palantir put together and what is it’s purpose? For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter […]

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Only ONE COW Needs to Be Tested: Birx

…and she needs a lie-detector, not a rigged Digital PCR test.  But beware the conservative Trojan horses who are selling Gain-Of-FEAR. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at  […]

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The Latest “Bird Flu” Death is “Covid” All Over Again

Yesterday, the mainstream media widely reported that a new strain of Bird Flu had claimed its first victim, a 59-year-old man from Mexico. The big news here is that the strain allegedly responsible, H5N2, had allegedly never before been detected in humans. Everyone from CNN to the BBC to Sky News to […]

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INTERVIEW Saudis Abandon Petrodollar?

Will Saudis officially abandon the petrodollar in the next couple of days? • Financial foundations are shaking with countries moving to BRICS and away from the dollar as the world reserve currency • Accumulating gold and silver in small or large pieces Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.gold, joins For […]

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Can Liberty Beat The House? With Guest Stewart Jones

US House candidate Stewart Jones joins today’s Liberty Report to share his thoughts on how respect for liberty and the Constitution can be restored to the House of Representatives. … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYIbcayL6xAOriginal post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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Thr 6Jun24 Only ONE COW Needs to be Tested — Birx; Give Her a Lie Detector

(2:31) Don’t Get Fooled Again by the WHO — conservatives are getting scared to death by GOP politicians and al-right media selling prepper products just like 4 yrs ago WHO says Mexican man died from BirdFlu — NONSENSE Gain-Of-FEAR just like spring of 2020 The holes in their story of the Mexican […]

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The Health Revolution Episode 3

Original post on UKColumn News


Dozens feared dead in Israeli airstrike on UNRWA school in Gaza

Amid early reports that an Israeli strike on a UN-run school in Gaza overnight into Thursday left dozens dead, humanitarians warned that cholera and other potentially deadly diseases stalk people uprooted by the war, forced to live among “mountains of trash”.Original post on UN News - Global […]

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SPIEF ’24 – Multipolar World Order converges on St. Petersburg to take PCR tests & chat about sustainable development

It’s happening. Again. It happens every year, unfortunately. I am of course referring to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which is an annual gathering of the world’s most anti-globalist minds. As per tradition, you will not be allowed to enter the venue without a negative PCR test. […]

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MAJOR J6 Myth Totally Busted!

Remember the salacious details of Trump grabbing the steering wheel and demanding his Secret Service driver take him to the Capitol on January 6th, 2001? The story relayed by a former Trump White House staffer? All fake. Now we know how they tried to keep it from us. Also today: Israel to buy more […]

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UK Column News - 5th June 2024

Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley and Charles Malet with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-5th-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Wed 5Jun24 As Some Politicians Crack & Start Telling the Truth, Fauci says Excess Deaths Were From Podcasters Opposing Him

(2:00) Epoch Times CFO accused of money laundering.  Even more worrying is why ET is pushing baseless fear about a gain-of-function "bird flu" pandemic   (24:38) Sharyl Attkisson exposes federal study claiming Amish got same results as general population during Covid.  Even if true, it […]

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UN investigative team hands over key ISIL crime data to Iraq

As the UN team charged with investigating crimes committed by the Da’esh terrorist group in Iraq prepares to conclude its mandate in September, significant strides have been made in transferring crucial evidence to the authorities, its acting head said on Wednesday.Original post on UN News - Global […]

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578- Th3 Numb3r Gam3, L3t M3 C0unt th3 Ways (Free)

Everything that happens in this world is the result of an action. There is no coincidence, if this is correct. For something to have happened, an event of some kind had to precede the outcome. The common example is that a rock tossed in water causes ripples. One could not rightly claim that the […]

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Crown Dependencies—Invisible and Ignored: The islanders suffering in silence with vaccine injuries

What is life like for those with vaccine injuries, trapped on a self-governing island with no prospect of help or treatment? What rights do the population of a Crown Dependency really have? Read the write-up at:  […]

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What Happens When They Kill the Livestock — AND SMALL FARMS?

Are the big guys being quiet because they can absorb the losses of mass culling when no livestock is sick, but they have a positive result with a new, hyper-magnifying Digital PCR test?   What happens to the food supply when we lose 90 Million eggs?  Eggs, cheese, yogurt, cream, butter — the stated […]

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Pharma Company Breeding (and Abusing) Beagles Gets Record Fine

Remember when Fauci was caught torturing beagle puppies with sand flies?  Well pharma seems to love using beagles as guinea pigs.  But no one cares how they killed babies with live vivisection to create humanized mice. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com  […]

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SugarWater Jabs: C'mon, You Can Take a Little Mercury or Aluminum for Trump

Fauci wasn’t the only one doing theater and flip flopping during the so-called pandemic.  For decades, Alex Jones told people the truth about adjuvants added to vaccines, warning them of the health danger — until Trump wanted you vaccinated.  Then he sugar coats the lie that BigPharma always told […]

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Derrick Broze Interview - The Summit Of The Future & The Shell Game Of Authoritarian Control

Joining me today is TLAV writer Derrick Broze, here to discuss the Summit Of The Future, why this is important, and how it might be an alternative pathway for the Pandemic Accord, that is far more subtle and surreptitious, while we are being told it has stalled. We also discuss his recent article […]

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INTERVIEW Raising Healthy Kids: Protecting Your Children from Hidden Chemical Toxins

David Steinman, Director of the Chemical Toxin Working Group, joins with info about how to affordably protect your children’s developmental health and your own health in your choices of cosmetics, personal care, water, and of course food.  David offers advice to help every family reduce their toxic […]

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WWIII: NATO Moves Closer To Direct Conflict With Russia.

As Russia continues to advance in eastern Ukraine, NATO continues to escalate toward direct conflict. F-16 trainers from Greece arrive in Kiev, Netherlands and Denmark green-light Ukraine F-16 attacks deep inside Russia. No one is asking the central question: why? Is Ukraine worth WWIII? Also […]

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Tue 4Jun24 Time for a RICO Investigation of NIH? $710 Million in "Royalties", Drugfather Fauci Takes the Stand

(2:00) Never forget the Fauci "cases", masks, "6ft social distance", hat and cancellation of medical martial law — it’s not done • Some comic relief in Congress as they return from long Memorial Day vacation • Ethics? "I don’t even know what our Ethics Office does".  […]

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Continuing restrictions hamper humanitarian access inside Gaza

The UN humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA) on Tuesday warned that lifesaving aid for hundreds of thousands in need across Gaza remains limited due to access constraints.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


More than 500 Palestinians killed in occupied West Bank: UN rights chief

Violence in the occupied West Bank linked to the war in Gaza passed a deadly milestone with more than 500 Palestinians killed since 7 October, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights chief Volker Türk said on Tuesday.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East


The Fight for Health Freedom Continues - #SolutionsWatch

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/the-fight-for-health-freedom/ After years of build-up and anticipation, the 77th World Health Assembly has come and gone. So, what did the would-be lords of global health gavel down on? And what does it mean for the future of the fight for health […]

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Sars-Cov2 Origins – “Gain of Function” or “Claim of Function”?

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” Richard P. Feynman A thorough review of the available evidence suggests that the emergence of a novel engineered virus is the least likely explanation for the event known as the ‘covid pandemic’. Notably: […]

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Weekly Update --- The Trump Trial and our Injustice System

… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dbYa2-5UQsOriginal post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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Ukraine Fighting In Syria, Israel's Ceasefire Lie Implodes & IDF's Regular Use of Human Shields

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/israel-ceasefire-lie-implodes Want to send […]

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This Week in the New Normal #91

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Climate Gaslighting Continues Last month, we were told, was the warmest April on record. When there was a […]

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New PCR Lie for a New Pandemic — Bring Me the Sample, I'll Find the Pandemic

40 cycles, 1.1 TRILLION magnification?  That’s so 2020.  Now there’s something even better.  A medical martial law variation on Stalin’s "bring me the man, I’ll find the crime". For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT Find […]

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Alex Jones "Repels Ambush"? The Truth About Alex's Bankruptcy and Where I Think He's Headed

Everything appears to be going as planned.  Meanwhile, one encore "final performance" after another. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com […]

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The Anti-Christ MAGA Occultists

Julie Green, Mike Flynn, and the ReAwaken tour — these people are "channeling" god, promoting paganism with a very thin veneer of "Christian". For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show […]

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Modern Medicine's Missing Pieces...

There are missing components to our modern medicines. Big Pharma has distilled out the philosophical essence from our modern pharmacology. Modern production leaves out vital alchemical processes in the development of effective elixirs and tinctures… Reading from, "The Alchemist’s […]

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Justice For Fauci? US House Panel To GRILL 'The Science' Today

As more and more is released to the public about the deep - and deadly - corruption under Fauci’s Covid tyranny, the former NIH official finds himself before a US House panel today. Is it all unraveling for Tony? Also today: Are they charging Hunter Biden with the wrong crimes? Finally today, […]

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UK Column News - 3rd June 2024

Brian Gerrish, Mark Anderson, and Prof. Diane Rasmussen McAdie with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: https://community.ukcolumn.org/ Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-3rd-june-2024Original post on UKColumn News […]

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Mon 3Jun24 Trump Trials, Alex Jones Performance, and Digital PCR, the latest "pandemic" magic trick

(2:00) Trump TrialsOriginal post on The David Knight Show […]

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Ongoing war destroying social fabric in Gaza: Aid official

The narrowing space left for civilians in the Gaza Strip is becoming increasingly limited and crowded, while dire living conditions are eroding the social fabric there, a senior official with the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, said on Monday. Original post on UN News - Global perspective […]

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Conditions in Gaza are ‘unspeakable’ as one million people flee Rafah: UNRWA

A staggering one million people have now fled Rafah in southern Gaza, the UN aid agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) said on Monday, amid fresh reports of overnight attacks in southern, central and northern locations by Israeli forces.Original post on UN News - Global perspective Human stories | […]

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Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their […]

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WATCH: The Rwandan Genocide Is A Lie

Everyone has heard of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. But everything you have heard about the so-called “hundred days” is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie. That lie is still being used to perpetuate myths about the value of interventionism. In this incredibly important […]

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Israel Once Again Refuses Own Ceasefire Deal After Hamas Accepts

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/israel-again-refuses-own-ceasefire Want to […]

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If The Wars Go On

I suppose my title could have been couched in the singular form, as Hermann Hesse, the Nobel Prize winning German/Swiss author, did with his collection of anti-war essays about World War I (the war to end all wars that didn’t), If The War Goes On …   Or more appropriately, I might have eliminated […]

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Keith Harmon Snow Reveals the Truth About the Rwandan Genocide

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/?p=9247 FROM 2014: Keith Harmon Snow has extensive experience in Africa as a journalist, photographer and genocide investigator who attended the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda. He joins us today to discuss the 20th anniversary of the […]

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The Magick Of Disney...(Remastered)

Special Free Bonus Episode! I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering. The Disney occult connection… Reading from the works of Fritz Springmeier… […]

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Better Than…

It seems that the concept of “better than …” has completely left the human experience. And wow, what a big deal that is! I mean the entire foundation of human, as well as animal, evolution is based on “survival of the fittest.” Even if you do not believe in the Darwinian concept of …Original post on […]

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
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