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History Denial Local?


Same Actors Found in Local History now on the Global Stage   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   https://irmep.com/2018/01/numec-the-israeli-nuclear-weapons-program-off-the-table-in-washington/ […]

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Ammo in Stock
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Pittsburgh's Stream

Also found at http://Pittsburgh.Stream Break-out of the governed media stream. Here’s quick access to some alternative and similar views with the latest listings from the NoGOV Shop. Make up your own "ment" and Shop and Sell. :p   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  

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New York Shops and Sells here!
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London Shops and Sells here!
Ammo in Stock
Apollo Shops and Sells here!
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Bismarck Shops and Sells here!
Los Angeles Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
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Morning Ducks

Morning Ducks Dual Sun?   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  

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  • Morning Ducks
    on May 24, 2022, 08:07, for a period of instantaneous

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Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
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Phil vermisst den Schatten aufgrund von Climate Change Engineering

Punxsutawney Phil gibt zu, dass er seinen Schatten vermisst hat, weil Chemtrails die Morgensonne blockierten. February 2, 2024 Weltbekannter Prognostiker wurde durch vom Himmel fallende Giftstoffe getäuscht. Ja, die diesjährige Phil-Prognose wird wegen Manipulation durch neu ernannte Klimazaren der […]

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New York Shops and Sells here!
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London Shops and Sells here!
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Wild White Turkey

Check out the Wild White Turkey.     Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell

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Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!

Vandergrift Weather

Vandergrift, PA Weather Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  

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2024 Eclipse Vandergrift

2024 Eclipse Vandergrift   April 8,2024 15:21 Eclipse Vandergrift     Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  

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¡Donde Phoenix compra y vende!
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Pittsburgh News for the Truth

NoGOV.News Where people in the know go!     Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  

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Phil misses shadow due to Climate Change Engineering,

Punxsutawney Phil admits he missed his shadow because chem-trails were blocking the morning Sun. February 2, 2024 World renowned prognosticator deceived by toxins falling from the sky. Yes, this years Phil forecast is under investigation for tampering by newly appointed government climate czars. […]

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Look up!


Vandergrift, Pennsylvania getting sprayed. Vandergrift, Pennsylvania isn’t close enough to airports for this amount of air traffic. The trails hang around, spread out and make a cloudy day out of a bright sunny one. Who’s doing this and why? What’s this doing to your health? And where’s the EPA the […]

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Coronavirus from above.

When I hear corona the first thing I think of is beer but after that I think of atmospheric coronas. Coronas seen around the Moon and Sun. Coronas seen around street lights in the fog. Never would I think "Corona" a scientific name to catalog a virus. Especially with more occulting Latin […]

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Vandergrift Sunrise 06/11/2019

Is the Sun rising or just getting closer? Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell […]

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
Help NoGOV rebut the propaganda with commonsense.

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