Bear the Woolly Worm. Vandergrift, Pennsylvania’s own prognosticator, seer of future events has a 91.1% accuracy in Winter weather forcasting. He had 100% accuracy until recent decades of tampering with climate change technologies was seen here in Vandergrift.

Woolly Bear has worn many different color coats. Darker bands that mark the harsher parts of the Winter were the concern.

This year may be different. The ground is full of chemicals. The grass and leaves that Woolly Bear eats just don’t taste the same having a metallic flavor. The side of the house where bear used to like to hang now gives him a headache. Maybe it’s that new electric meter.

Woolley Bear is more forgetful from the increase Aluminum in his diet. He hopes he’s put on the right coat this year.

Looks like a mild Winter is coming.

No dark colored bands. Maybe no Winter at all this year, or maybe something is just wrong with Woolly Bear.

