In the news | 26 Jul 2024 | Ads

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Lincoln's Online Shop

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  1. History Denial Local?

  2. Know the Names of the Children

  3. White Christmas doll

  4. 爷爷奶奶对口罩说不!

  5. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? - New World Next Week

  6. Irrefutable Evidence with John Beaudoin—Part 1

Shop highlights

  • White Christmas doll / 1
  • Adora Doll Blonde / 1
  • Baby Amy Doll / 1
  • Pierogies by Jodi / 1

The TRUTH About The Jasper Fire That They DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!!!

DONATE ➜ SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ The town of Jasper Alberta has just burned to the ground after years of warnings that exactly that would happen! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth discusses how Parks Canada knew this was a […]

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More Inconsistency In Trump Shooting Narrative & Majority Of US Congress Cheers Lying War Criminal

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: Want to […]

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War With Iran Should Not Replace War In Ukraine

Do you see the narrative shifting? We seamlessly went from years of covid tyranny to the Ukraine war. And now that the Ukraine war has been lost (with American taxpayers losing hundreds of billions of dollars) the narrative is shifting again; this time to Iran. This is how the U.S. has been […]

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Dear Leader - The Grayzone live

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate cover the gut-wrenching spectacle of Benjamin Netanyahu’s welcome to Washington and report back from the mass protests that met him at the US Capitol. Anya Parampil joins to discuss Venezuela’s upcoming election, where the US persists in its push for regime change. … […]

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UK Column News - 26th July 2024

Mike Robinson, Mark Anderson, Debi Evans and Cheryl Grainger with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: Sources: Continue reading

‘Endless nightmare’ of death and destruction in Gaza, UN officials tell Security Council

Senior UN officials on Friday reiterated the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, and escalating threat to aid workers, urging immediate action prevent further deterioration.... Continue reading

Gaza: Evacuation orders displace thousands, disrupt aid operations

Humanitarians estimate that more than 190,000 Palestinians were displaced this week in Khan Younis and Deir Al-Balah following the latest evacuation orders in Gaza, the UN said on Friday. ... Continue reading

WHO to send one million polio vaccines to Gaza to protect children

The UN health agency said on Friday that it is sending more than a million polio vaccines to Gaza after the discovery of the highly infectious disease in sewage samples.... Continue reading

New York's Online Shop

New York Shops and Sells here!

Visit the NoGOV Shop. Where New York goes online to Shop and Sell! Shop and Sell your stuff! Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell

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AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris - New World Next Week

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: This week on the New World Next Week: Biden drops out of the (s)election race while congress genuflects to their real leader; the Crowdstrike fiasco was a win for evil online disinformationists (say the establishment stooges); and Paris […]

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“CopenPay” – Europe’s first Climate-centric Social Credit Scheme

The world’s first climate-related social rewards scheme came into being two weeks ago, when the city of Copenhagen officially launched it’s new “CopenPay” system. Through the CopenPay scheme, tourists visiting the city will be rewarded for “green actions” – such as using public transportation or […]

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Biden Quits...To 'Save Our Democracy'? With Guest Jeff Deist

Former Ron Paul chief of staff Jeff Deist joins today’s Liberty Report to break down Biden’s bizarre TV appearance last night to explain why he’s dropping out of the 2024 race. Does it add up? How much of a threat is Kamala to Trump? What does Trump need to do to win? … […]

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