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Hungary drastically reduces nuclear power plant output during heatwave

Hungary’s only nuclear plant, Paks, which accounts for about half of the country’s electricity generation, has had to reduce the output of three of its four reactor blocks due to the prolonged heatwave, the plant’s operating company announced. “On Aug. 21, 2024, the water temperature of the Danube […]

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Pittsburgh Internacional en línea

Visite la tienda NoGOV, ¡donde Pittsburgh se conecta en línea para obtener artículos internacionales! :) ¡Compra y vende tus cosas en Pittsburgh! ¡Aquí no se necesitan pasaportes de vacunas tiránicas, escaneos faciales, manoseos ni quitarse los zapatos! Subasta tus cosas. Vende tus cosas para


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Pittsburgh International en ligne

Visitez la boutique NoGOV, où Pittsburgh se met en ligne pour des articles internationaux !  :) Achetez et vendez vos affaires à Pittsburgh ! Aucun passeport vaccinal tyrannique, aucun scan du visage, aucun tâtonnement ou retrait de chaussures n’est nécessaire ici ! Mettez vos affaires aux enchères.


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570- Nuclear Poppycock, Atomic Balderdash, Fear & Stagecraft (Free)

Simple logic applied to the so-called nuclear bomb drops of WWII prove that the story we have been told is fallacy. In episode 053 we outlined this nonsense in great detail. In this episode we take a new approach using science to further demonstrate that the “nuking” of cities is simply a scare […]

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562- The Magic of Vibration & Frequency (Free)

If it exists it vibrates. With this in mind we are now reaching an era where the importance of vibration and frequency will become fundamental to our existence and to our spiritual endeavors. I await the day when the following map is commonly available and known. I am referring to a map that lays […]

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549- Considering the North Star & then the Tarot (Free)

We are told that Chaco Canyon exists due to an ancient culture searching for, and finding, a sacred center. The path of the Buddha is also said to be a “middle” way and is illustrated by the tuning of a musical string, not too tight, or too slack, but in the middle. Even in old myth, and current […]

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514- Literature that Celebrates Fiction in Science (Free)

In 1953 the Hugo Award was created to honor “notable achievement” in science fiction. That almost sounds like an award based on how well one can be fooled into accepting fantasy as scientific. The actual award takes the shape of a rocket ship and is named after Hugo Gernsback who in 1926 published […]

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The Call to Chaos...

Reading from an essay titled, "The Call To Chaos - From Adam to Atom by Way of the Jornada del Muerto" by James Shelby Downward… Become a Paid Subscriber: […]

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507- The Radioactive Wastelands that Never Were (Free)

Human beings tend to accept information simply because they have been told by authority that the information is true. It is astonishing the amount of information, history, and events in general that are “believed”, and yet, fail to stand up to simple logic or common sense. Nonetheless, here we are, […]

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481- Misunderstanding All You See… Introducing the Beatles (Free)

It has been said that living is easy with eyes closed. In a way this is exactly how most of us were introduced to the Beatles. With ears open and eyes closed. It may be argued that we had no reason to suspect that social engineering was the main impetus for the creation of the band or the soundtrack […]

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475- Evil Minds that Plot Destruction – The Sorcerers of the 60s Still Rock On (Free)

We tend to look back at the music of the 60s and 70s and lament at the loss of a certain musical level and style. But truth be told, the music of the 60s was in fact a lower-minded, less complex version of popular music from a generation before. And while the music of the 60s hypnotized the world, […]

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458- Social Engineering Disguised as Music – How Low Can We Go? (Free)

Most of the significant events in our time can be traced back to very specific archetypes. These archetypes have existed as far back as we can see and seem to come into view via Greek Myth. The significant event we call Rock-n-Roll began in the 1950s and gained momentum in the 60s. In this episode […]

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432- Music Stuck in Autumn – What’s the Frequency Kenneth? (Free)

As is reflected in the episode title, music is currently in permanent free-fall. We have reached a point where much of what we call music does not even incorporate melody or harmony, nor are the “performers” musicians. Part of this statement is nothing new and began when rock n roll began. As an […]

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411- Speak Your Mind with Rhythm, Rhyme & Harmony – Music (Free)

Our guest is the man who wrote the Crrow777 theme song. He is well known online for having written songs that easily cross genres and directly address the concerns and ideas of our era. But there is more than musicianship and idea driven songs on offer. As an example, we will include his work with […]

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