Tag - vaccine

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Big Pharma is here for your health

Are you going to give it to them?       Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   […]

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Vapear a niños no es un problema para la ONU

El vapeo de individuos está prohibido, mientras que la ONU ignora el vapeo de poblaciones. Mientras los estados discuten qué es lo que el ciudadano puede inhalar, se pasa por alto la agenda de la ONU sobre vapeo y rastros químicos. El hecho de que los anunciantes se dirijan a los niños para que […]

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Chicago Shops and Sells here!
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Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
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Vaping children no issue for UN

Individuals Vaping outlawed while UN Vaping of populations ignored. While states argue what the citizen is allowed to inhale the UN vaping/chem-trail agenda gets overlooked. The targeting of children to vape by advertisers is the media distraction today. But the vaping of entire populations and yes […]

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Washington Shops and Sells here!
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The Last American Vagabond

TRAVELING THE WORLD, WRITING WHAT THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW. The Last American Vagabond was established to allow a free flow of information in regard to current issues that face the world. The focus being on many such issues that are purposefully and discreetly culled by those who stand to lose, […]

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Ammo in Stock
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Doctor says COVID-19 not from Bat Poop but just a bunch of Poop

How many people have you yourself seen dropping dead from this COVID-19 bs? None I bet. Believe in what you see. Don’t let the media PROGRAM you what to think. Nobody seen deaths from this planned-demic. The everyday rate of 1% deaths is being relabeled as the Corona mortality rate. The deaths seen […]

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Is Coronavirus a new name for Government Crackdown

With today’s technology. It gets harder to control political dissidents without governments being exposed as tyrants. One thing governments fear is losing the perception of having the moral high ground. They need to be stealthier today. They need distractions, a slight of hand. What if with a […]

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
Help NoGOV rebut the propaganda with commonsense.

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