Tag - United Nations

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War what is it good for?

Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell Governments and Religions do not kill people. People kill People. People indoctrinated with Government and/or Religious propaganda kill. It is always the individuals choice. No hiding behind Governments or Religions as the excuse for your actions. The Karma is yours […]

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Missed this in History Class?

Must have been playing hooky that day.   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell […]

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Earth ate us

NoGOV Art Institute Voltaire wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who/what you are not allowed to criticize.” I added the "what" ????️ Going down the list of who or what you can’t talk bad about a big one stuck out. One so big that it’s weaved in all controlling […]

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Phil vermisst den Schatten aufgrund von Climate Change Engineering

Punxsutawney Phil gibt zu, dass er seinen Schatten vermisst hat, weil Chemtrails die Morgensonne blockierten. February 2, 2024 Weltbekannter Prognostiker wurde durch vom Himmel fallende Giftstoffe getäuscht. Ja, die diesjährige Phil-Prognose wird wegen Manipulation durch neu ernannte Klimazaren der […]

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La Terre nous a mangé

Institut d’art NoGOV Voltaire a écrit : « Pour savoir qui vous gouverne, découvrez simplement qui/quoi vous n’avez pas le droit de critiquer. » J’ai ajouté le "quoi" ????️ En parcourant la liste de qui ou de quoi vous ne pouvez pas dire du mal d’un gros qui est sorti du lot. Un si grand […]

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Local Tyrants Put on Notice?

Video of a Canadian putting his local City Council on notice. Another good video found at Tim Truth.   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   […]

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UN News - Middle East

UN News - Global perspective Human stories | Middle East   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  


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Al Jazeera News

Al Jazeera News When Al Jazeera launched from the Qatari capital, Doha, on Friday, November 1, 1996, it was the first independent news channel in the Arab world. Media in the Arab world, till then, was characterised by state-controlled narratives that denied audiences the right to know and the […]

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Martial Law at Walmart?

Brown shirts pushing rhetoric at Walmart. Since when has it been that you quarantine the healthy instead of just the sick. Medical procedures call for the quarantine of the sick for 14 days, not the entire population. What your seeing is not to protect the population but to train and control them. […]

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Déjà vu

Doesn't this picture seem so familiar now? Kommt Ihnen dieses Bild jetzt nicht so bekannt vor? After some photo editing this picture has time traveled around 80 years into the future. Amazing what modern technology can do. You couldn't tell the difference between these people and the one's at the […]

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Phil misses shadow due to Climate Change Engineering,

Punxsutawney Phil admits he missed his shadow because chem-trails were blocking the morning Sun. February 2, 2024 World renowned prognosticator deceived by toxins falling from the sky. Yes, this years Phil forecast is under investigation for tampering by newly appointed government climate czars. […]

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Israel to Face Trail for Genocide?

Did you watch New World Next Week with Media Monarchy and The Corbett Report?   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell […]

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Democide:   noun the killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   […]

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The Times of Israel

The Times of Israel The Times of Israel is a Jerusalem-based online newspaper founded in 2012 to document developments in Israel, the Middle East and around the Jewish world. It was established by veteran UK-born, Israeli journalist David Horovitz and his US-based capital partner Seth Klarman. […]

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Pinko's turn Maui Pink?

Burnt Maui properties to be sprayed pink with chemicals to protect the environment. Any Weapons found will be turned into the Police for destruction. And don't think of removing the Pink crust off your property until Authorities allow it. […]

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