Tag - Depopulation

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Big Pharma is here for your health

Are you going to give it to them?       Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   […]

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Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
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Monroeville Shops and Posts here!
New York Shops and Sells here!
Chicago Shops and Posts here!

Wake Up!

Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell […]

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London Shops and Posts here!
Nashville goes here!
Lancaster Shops and Sells Here!
Ammo in Stock
Apollo Shops and Sells here!
Los Angeles Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
Fairview Shops and Sells here!
¡Donde Phoenix compra y vende!
Vandergrift Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Posts here!
Birmingham Shops and Posts here!
Penn Hills Shops and Posts here!

War what is it good for?

Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell Governments and Religions do not kill people. People kill People. People indoctrinated with Government and/or Religious propaganda kill. It is always the individuals choice. No hiding behind Governments or Religions as the excuse for your actions. The Karma is yours […]

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Nashville goes here!
Lancaster Shops and Sells Here!
Apollo Shops and Sells here!
Lincoln Shops and Posts here!
Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
Fairview Shops and Sells here!
Houston Shops and sells here!
¡Donde Phoenix compra y vende!
Vandergrift Shops and Sells here!
Bismarck Shops and Sells here!
New York Shops and Sells here!
Altoona Shops and Posts here!
Birmingham Shops and Posts here!
Penn Hills Shops and Posts here!
Watertown Shops and Posts here!

Know the Names of the Children


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London Shops and Posts here!
Apollo Shops and Sells here!
Atlanta Shops and Sells here!
Los Angeles Shops and Sells here!
Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
Washington Shops and Posts here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
Monroeville Shops and Posts here!
Fairview Shops and Sells here!
Houston Shops and sells here!
Tarentum Shops and Sells here!
¡Donde Phoenix compra y vende!
Vandergrift Shops and Sells here!
New York Shops and Sells here!
Chicago Shops and Posts here!
Erie Shops and Posts here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Posts here!
Las Vegas Shops and Posts here!

Testing Bogus?

PCR and Rapid Testing Bogus? Watch the videos below. Don’t drink the tap water!   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell  

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Denver Shops and Sells here!
Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
Vandergrift Shops and Sells here!

Vapear a niños no es un problema para la ONU

El vapeo de individuos está prohibido, mientras que la ONU ignora el vapeo de poblaciones. Mientras los estados discuten qué es lo que el ciudadano puede inhalar, se pasa por alto la agenda de la ONU sobre vapeo y rastros químicos. El hecho de que los anunciantes se dirijan a los niños para que […]

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Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
Chicago Shops and Posts here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Posts here!
Birmingham Shops and Posts here!
No Mandatory Mask wearing here!

Vaping children no issue for UN

Individuals Vaping outlawed while UN Vaping of populations ignored. While states argue what the citizen is allowed to inhale the UN vaping/chem-trail agenda gets overlooked. The targeting of children to vape by advertisers is the media distraction today. But the vaping of entire populations and yes […]

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Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
Washington Shops and Posts here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Posts here!
Birmingham Shops and Posts here!
No Mandatory Mask wearing here!

Tim Truth

Tim is always researching and editing together new documentaries and reports. News/ research tips or business inquiries to timtruth @ protonmail.com For tons more videos check out Tim's massive video repository with TONS of great videos and you can add your own discoveries:  […]

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Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!
New York Shops and Sells here!

Al Jazeera News

Al Jazeera News When Al Jazeera launched from the Qatari capital, Doha, on Friday, November 1, 1996, it was the first independent news channel in the Arab world. Media in the Arab world, till then, was characterised by state-controlled narratives that denied audiences the right to know and the […]

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Los Angeles Shops and Sells here!
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New York Shops and Sells here!


Democide:   noun the killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   […]

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Pinko's turn Maui Pink?

Burnt Maui properties to be sprayed pink with chemicals to protect the environment. Any Weapons found will be turned into the Police for destruction. And don't think of removing the Pink crust off your property until Authorities allow it. […]

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Ammo in Stock
Allegheny Shops and Sells here!

What is Burning Canada?

Yes Canada is burning with a lot of coincidences similar to Maui.  How many coincidences does it take to be considered intentional?     […]

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Allegheny Shops and Sells here!

Authorities Blocking Maui Aid ?

See more Videos on the Tim Truth Feed here! […]

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Allegheny Shops and Sells here!
Pittsburgh Shops and Sells here!

Arguments for the COVID Vaccine!

Wait!! Don’t publish!!! Is this the "for" COVID Vaccine Video? :) Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand, alone if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their […]

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Tarentum Shops and Sells here!

Doctor says COVID-19 not from Bat Poop but just a bunch of Poop

How many people have you yourself seen dropping dead from this COVID-19 bs? None I bet. Believe in what you see. Don’t let the media PROGRAM you what to think. Nobody seen deaths from this planned-demic. The everyday rate of 1% deaths is being relabeled as the Corona mortality rate. The deaths seen […]

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