Tag - david knight

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"Rasputin" Tells Us If Trump's Lawsuit Can Stop "Apprentice" Film

Are films protected by First Amendment? "US vs Spirit of 76" said no.  What is the standard for defamation of a public figure?  "Rasputin" has affected every film that came after it.  Will "Rasputin" legacy influence the outcome of a Trump lawsuit against "The […]

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INTERVIEW Tony Arterburn: Why is "Free Trade" Globalist Biden Pushing Tariffs?

Trump is pushing MUCH higher tariffs in the name of nationalism/populism which will dramatically raise prices, but why would Biden also be raising tariffs now and proposing more in the future as well?  What does it signify? Also LIVE questions from listeners for Tony about • Gold storage options […]

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Thr 23May24 Crazy Conspiracy Theories on BOTH Sides: Lethal Force, "Unified Reich", Blood Vials, More Lawfare

(2:00) Lethal Force, "Unified Reich", Blood Vials — there are REAL issues within the clickbait lies and conspiracy theories Biden campaign and mainstream media push a total nonsense smear about "unified reich" in a Trump video Vials of blood sent to RNC Trump campaign fundraiser […]

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AI Companies Building Nukes Since Power Grid is Being Taken Down

It’s no secret that Biden wants to destroy electrical power infrastructure even as he mandates everything be electric.  But they think some things are "essential" — like surveillance... Continue reading

Next up "The Apprentice"— Cartoonish Character Assassination

The Reality-TV season of Trump’s tabloid past keeps oozing.  No political debates though.  What’s the angle? For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.com If […]

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INTERVIEW Resisting AI & Google Individually

Andrew Riddaugh, LiberationTek.com • Dangers of AI, Google Gemini, Microsoft CoPilot, Chat4o • Since the federal Uniparty is fully on board with surveillance, now what? • How we fight tech with tech - getting around the censorship dragnet For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to  […]

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Wed 22May24 Ode to Klaus Schwab, AI Companies' (Nuclear) Power Trip, Microsoft CoPilot

(2:00) An ode to Klaus Schwab as he says he’s stepping down from WEF (Davos)   (20:24) WATCH Microsoft thinks you want your own personal Stasi snitch in a box as they release a new PC, CoPilot, with AI that takes screenshots of everything you do and look at to profile you   (29:47) AI Power Trip […]

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AI Pushers Push UBI: Two Tactics to Create Dependency, Poverty, Enslavement

The AI threat is NOT the Terminator scenario.  It’s the "Time Machine" scenario of Eloi and Morlocks.  Our AI overlord-wannabes push UBI (Universal Basic Income) as compassion for the masses, but like any other welfare, its purpose is to create dependency and enslavement.  Both are […]

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Cancer Surgeon Talks About Ivermectin & Cancer

Cancer surgeon discusses several cases of her inoperable cancer patients whose Stage 4 cancer went into remission after they took Ivermectin. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch […]

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BC, Before Clot-Shot, Govt Had Blood on its Hands by the THOUSANDS with Tainted Transfusions

The UK, Canadian and US systems were killing people through contaminated blood LONG before the Trump clot-shots.  UK inquiry reveals the corruption and the casualties.  Tainted blood from USA was part of the UK deaths but NOT even covered in USA "press". For 10% off Gerald Celente’s […]

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Tue 21May24 Before Clot-Shot, Governments Had Blood on Their Hands with Tainted Transfusions

(2:00) The deep ties of Musk to mRNA— and "X" censorship of those who talk about it. The "King of Crony Capitalism", his partnership with the German government mRNA, and why crony capitalism is NOT to be respected any more than a man competing in women’s sporting events.   […]

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Planned Parenthood: Caught in a 2nd Murder-for-Hire

The persecution of investigative journalist David Daleiden court discovery has revealed Planned Parenthood and NIH in a second murder-for-hire scheme. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you […]

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New York Times Tries to Explain Away "Male & Female, He Created Them"

New York Times celebrates a family denying the Christian faith to embrace their son who has been genderized by college.  And the NYT engages in some interesting "theology" to explain away the Bible’s explicit and clear view of only 2 genders. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends […]

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The Birds & the Bees— Pre-Pandemic "Crimes" to Centralize Control of the People Through Food

It’s like Minority Report "pre-crime" — using a "test" to destroy livestock from birds to bees to cows, when NO animals or humans are sick.  It’s about consolidation of food for control.  Beware of Trump media and former Trump administrators now pushing […]

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Mon 20May24 The Birds & the Bees — How They're Attacking Our Food with FAKE Pandemic Fear

(2:00) • The contours of world government conspiracy (no theory) • Billionaire says chances are 40% for civil war in USA.  Is that too low? • Mainstream ignores online race hatred by mass shooter-wannabe (36:54) The face of dystopian tyranny — America’s political prisoners • Assange — wins in […]

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