Tag - todd hayen

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Don’t Kid Yourself

So many people I read or talk to seem to think that we shrews are making inroads, primarily in the court system. “This is all crumbling down,” they cheer. “The truth is coming out, we are winning!” Fat chance. Now, I don’t want to be a 24/7 doomsayer—I DO believe there has been some successful …... […]

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Looking Forward to the Future

It seems to be a common consensus among shrew types that most likely we will end up in a world similar to the world of Mad Max, or 1984, or something even worse. For me, A Brave New World sort of existence is more likely. Maybe that first, and Mad Max later—that’s possible. Maybe A …... Continue […]

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The Death of the Shadow

Recently my sister gave me an article written in a weekly magazine that the El Convento Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico printed back in 1963. The little magazine was titled The San Juan Diary published once a week. It was chock full of ads (more ads than print copy!) primarily advertising for […]

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AI and Commercial Music

Del Bigtree recently devoted a segment on his popular program, The Highwire, on the advent of AI in commercial music. Del created a theme song for The Highwire on one of many AI creation websites, the one he chose is Suno.com. See this segment here. So, what do you think? Pretty impressive, huh? I […]

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Better Than…

It seems that the concept of “better than …” has completely left the human experience. And wow, what a big deal that is! I mean the entire foundation of human, as well as animal, evolution is based on “survival of the fittest.” Even if you do not believe in the Darwinian concept of …... Continue […]

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And the Cancer Keeps Rolling In

Kate Middleton has cancer. The King of England has cancer. Every day we hear of more and more people diagnosed with cancer—many of them quite young. And not a single report we hear, unless coming from alt media, will suggest that the Covid vaccines are a possible cause. There is no guarantee that […]

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
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