Tag - Hungary

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Immigration into Britain growing more rapidly than any other developed nation, says OECD

The U.K. saw the sharpest increase in immigration among developed countries last year, as new data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows 746,900 individuals moved to Britain in 2023 — a 52.9 percent surge from the previous year’s total of 488,400. The dramatic […]

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Over 500,000 foreigners have acquired voting rights ahead of Germany’s snap election

More than 500,000 newly naturalized German citizens will cast ballots for the first time in the upcoming federal election on Feb. 23, a record figure driven by the traffic light coalition government’s progressive citizenship reforms. Many of these new voters, primarily Syrian nationals, have been […]

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https://rmx.news Remix offers news and commentary from Central Europe, the Visegrád countries of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. By providing in English a curated selection of what’s trending daily in the local media of the region, Remix offers a look at what Czechs, Hungarians, […]

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