The TRUTH About The Jasper Fire That They DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!!!

DONATE ➜ SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ The town of Jasper Alberta has just burned to the ground after years of warnings that exactly that would happen! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth discusses how Parks Canada knew this was a […]

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More Inconsistency In Trump Shooting Narrative & Majority Of US Congress Cheers Lying War Criminal

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: Want to […]

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War With Iran Should Not Replace War In Ukraine

Do you see the narrative shifting? We seamlessly went from years of covid tyranny to the Ukraine war. And now that the Ukraine war has been lost (with American taxpayers losing hundreds of billions of dollars) the narrative is shifting again; this time to Iran. This is how the U.S. has been […]

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AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris - New World Next Week

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: This week on the New World Next Week: Biden drops out of the (s)election race while congress genuflects to their real leader; the Crowdstrike fiasco was a win for evil online disinformationists (say the establishment stooges); and Paris […]

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“CopenPay” – Europe’s first Climate-centric Social Credit Scheme

The world’s first climate-related social rewards scheme came into being two weeks ago, when the city of Copenhagen officially launched it’s new “CopenPay” system. Through the CopenPay scheme, tourists visiting the city will be rewarded for “green actions” – such as using public transportation or […]

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Biden Quits...To 'Save Our Democracy'? With Guest Jeff Deist

Former Ron Paul chief of staff Jeff Deist joins today’s Liberty Report to break down Biden’s bizarre TV appearance last night to explain why he’s dropping out of the 2024 race. Does it add up? How much of a threat is Kamala to Trump? What does Trump need to do to win? … […]

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History Denial Local?


Same Actors Found in Local History now on the Global Stage   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell […]

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Secret Service To Trump: 'Wanna Be Safe? Stop Holding Rallies!'

The US Secret Service has presented a novel solution to former President Trump after the recent assassination attempt: stop holding large outdoor rallies. Does limiting Trump’s ability to reach potential voters seem like a good solution? Or maybe should the Secret Service do its job better? Also […]

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From Trump’s “assassination” to Biden’s disappearing act…it’s all theatre

Remakes and sequels have almost killed Hollywood movie making, turning every film into a collection of meta references and nostalgia bait…‘hey remember when this happened in that other movie! That was cool right!’  Now, it seems,  they’re trying the same tactics in politics. That’s what we’ve got in […]

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No-Go Zone: This Is Your Government Occupied By Zionism

Henrik cover Netanyahu’s visit to the US congress, the Olympic terror rapes In Paris have officially begun. Also, what the hell is going on with Peter Theil, Alex Karp, Palantir and the AI tech takeover of the GOP? Show is also on Odysee | BitChute | Rumble  X | VK | Gab | Telegram | RedIceMembers A […]

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The 'New Scots' Are Coming To Replace You

The Scottish government is doing everything it can to "second class" their own native Scots, favoring the rights and privileges of migrants. Video is also on Odysee | BitChute | Rumble  X | VK | Gab | Telegram | Instagram Sign up for a membership at or  […]

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585- Q & A Part II – Spiritual Concerns Rise as Dishonesty & Corruption Normalize (Free)

This episode is part II (part one is episode 582) covering spiritually based questions submitted by members. I am noticing that as the world comes under increasing pressure spiritual matters are becoming more important, as we weather the winds of change. It is my sincere hope that each of you has […]

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Pakistanis Raping Pink Dolphins To Near Extinction

What in the hell? This must be fake? … well, it’s not. It’s real. Video is also on Odysee | BitChute | Rumble  X | VK | Gab | Telegram | Instagram Sign up for a membership at or or or Get full access to our […]

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Was WWI a Royal Affair? - Questions For Corbett

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: WWI? That was just a bunch of German royal cousins staging a fight, wasn’t it? Join James for this in-depth edition of Questions For Corbett where he gets to the bottom of the royals’ role in the WWI conspiracy. ARE YOU […]

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Amazon Gets Fresh, Bayer Loves Basmati: Toxic Influences in Indian Agriculture

The citizens of India have a problem. In what the media like to call ‘the world’s biggest democracy’, there is a serious, proven conflict of interest among officials in the areas of science, agriculture and agricultural research that results in privileging the needs of powerful private interests […]

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
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