June 23, 2024

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Like “Vaccines Passports,” The "War On Cash" Will Ultimately Fail


Fortunately, for the sake of our remaining freedom, the idea and implementation of “vaccine passports” failed miserably. The desires of our corporatist and special-interest run government was laid bare for all of us to see. We American citizens should never rest on our laurels though. The “war on cash” is another angle for achieving the same goals. Like “vaccine passports,” a totally digital and government-controlled cashless “system,” will also end up going down in flames.


Original post on Ron Paul Liberty Report


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Original post on OffGuardian


1984@75 – We Are Not Human

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580.5- There Goes My Hero, Stepping Up Against Tyranny (Free)

We would be living in a very different world right now had many of us conducted ourselves as our guest did back in 2020. She demonstrates that rights do not exist unless you know the law, your rights… and then defend those rights. Change is coming fast and furious as the era shifts, and your rights will likely fall by the wayside, unless you choose to defend what has been granted to you by the Creator. New emerging systems and technologies care not for the privacy, or rights, of living men and women. Rights violations are becoming commonplace, as is the idea that safety is a free pass to abolish or ignore human rights. The old tricks are the best tricks, as are the old truths. Those who trade their rights for safety, deserve neither.

**NOTE** The fourth member’s video covering my solar telescope work is now posted. I have a single image of the second sun, and share what I have learned as well as images and video to date.

Original post on Crrow777 Radio


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