May 9, 2024

The PYSOP Video is a Psyop (NWNW 553)

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: This week on the New World Next Week: that silly PSYOP video about PSYOPS is a psyop; prescription drugs are the leading cause of death as AstraZeneca withdraws their clot shot; and Weinstein is set for a retrial as his original conviction is overturned. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SHOW NOTES... Continue reading

Anddddd It’s Gone…AstraZeneca Withdraws Its COVID-19 Vaccine Worldwide!!!

DONATE ➜ SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ AstraZeneca says it is withdrawing its Covid-19(84) vaccine from global markets due to a rare but serious side effect but the company claims it’s simply an issue of supply and demand. Meanwhile Pfizer has agreed to settle more than 10,000 cancer... Continue reading

Killing Fields Of Rafah Become Political Nightmare For Biden

As the Israeli military moves into Rafah, the former "safe haven" for displaced Palestinians from elsewhere in Gaza, against the expressed wishes of the Biden Administration, a new poll shows how much Biden’s Israel policy is hurting him with voters. Does he have any moves? Also today: WHO "pandemic treaty" rears its ugly head. Can these... Continue reading

How Insurance Companies Bankrupt Doctors That Don't Vaccinate Kids

Follow the money.  One doctor tells all — doctors are PAID not to notice adverse effects like SIDS and autism — by insurance companies! For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support... Continue reading

Retroactive Law, Pre-Crime Punishment, Bounties Paid to Anonymous Accusers — ALL to Censor Speech

Details from Canada’s new censorship law keep astounding — worse than any dystopian science fiction, seriously.  What happens in Canada won’t stay in Canada but will be used elsewhere by the globalist. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTFind out more about the show and where you... Continue reading

Gina Haspel, Mike Pompeo — the CIA & Trump

Spy vs spy vs spy.  Who’s who and who’s on which side? For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar ... Continue reading

Medical Coder Blows The Whistle On The COVID-19 Illusion

Joining me today is medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder – one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving... Continue reading

Thr 9May24 Bloodlines of the Technocracy

(2:00) Bloodlines of the TechnocracyBezos grandfather’s DARPA connectionSpies, Venture Capital, and tech billionsDARPA’s internet & social media was/is a trap, a psy-war(10:54) Trump’s CIAWas Trump a victim of Gina Haspel?Were they out to get him? Who was running the CIA?Who was running the government?(21:42) DeSantis & FL go to war against lab... Continue reading

The Indoctrinated Brain: Michael Nehls MD PhD

The manipulative neurological tactics of the globalists’ dark agenda exposed. Read the write-up at: Continue reading