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Know the Names of the Children


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不要再用祖父母作为戴口罩的借口。 哪个热血的祖父母愿意看到他们的后代被政府压制和伤害? 口罩佩戴不自然,会对佩戴者造成伤害。 祖父母不希望自己的孩子受到伤害! 不要让这些腐败的、“嘟嘟嘟”的政客利用我们祖父母作为他们议程的借口。 请记住,祖父母不喜欢政客,你也不应该喜欢。 祖父母还认为你应该谷歌“焦油和羽毛”。 这曾经是腐败政客的常用补救措施。 6. 在祖父母节(以及每天),通过不戴那个该死的面具来庆祝我们!   商店&易货/拍卖&出售   […]

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조부모님들은 마스크를 거부해요!

폭군들이 마스크 착용의 이유로 조부모를 이용하도록 놔두지 마십시오. 어떤 적혈구 조부모가 미래 세대가 정부에 의해 재갈을 물리고 피해를 입는 것을 보고 싶겠습니까? 마스크 착용은 자연스럽지 않으며 착용자에게 해를 끼칩니다. 조부모님은 자녀가 해를 입는 것을 원하지 않습니다! 이 부패한 "삐삐" 정치인들이 우리 조부모님을 그들의 의제에 대한 변명으로 이용하도록 놔두지 마십시오. 기억하세요, 조부모님은 정치인을 좋아하지 않으시며 당신도 그러지 말아야 합니다. 폭군을 위한 Google 타르 및 페더링 6. 조부모의 […]

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Earth ate us

NoGOV Art Institute Voltaire wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who/what you are not allowed to criticize.” I added the "what" ????️ Going down the list of who or what you can’t talk bad about a big one stuck out. One so big that it’s weaved in all controlling […]

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Phil vermisst den Schatten aufgrund von Climate Change Engineering

Punxsutawney Phil gibt zu, dass er seinen Schatten vermisst hat, weil Chemtrails die Morgensonne blockierten. February 2, 2024 Weltbekannter Prognostiker wurde durch vom Himmel fallende Giftstoffe getäuscht. Ja, die diesjährige Phil-Prognose wird wegen Manipulation durch neu ernannte Klimazaren der […]

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La Terre nous a mangé

Institut d’art NoGOV Voltaire a écrit : « Pour savoir qui vous gouverne, découvrez simplement qui/quoi vous n’avez pas le droit de critiquer. » J’ai ajouté le "quoi" ????️ En parcourant la liste de qui ou de quoi vous ne pouvez pas dire du mal d’un gros qui est sorti du lot. Un si grand […]

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Vapear a niños no es un problema para la ONU

El vapeo de individuos está prohibido, mientras que la ONU ignora el vapeo de poblaciones. Mientras los estados discuten qué es lo que el ciudadano puede inhalar, se pasa por alto la agenda de la ONU sobre vapeo y rastros químicos. El hecho de que los anunciantes se dirijan a los niños para que […]

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Vaping children no issue for UN

Individuals Vaping outlawed while UN Vaping of populations ignored. While states argue what the citizen is allowed to inhale the UN vaping/chem-trail agenda gets overlooked. The targeting of children to vape by advertisers is the media distraction today. But the vaping of entire populations and yes […]

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Al Jazeera News

Al Jazeera News When Al Jazeera launched from the Qatari capital, Doha, on Friday, November 1, 1996, it was the first independent news channel in the Arab world. Media in the Arab world, till then, was characterised by state-controlled narratives that denied audiences the right to know and the […]

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Martial Law at Walmart?

Brown shirts pushing rhetoric at Walmart. Since when has it been that you quarantine the healthy instead of just the sick. Medical procedures call for the quarantine of the sick for 14 days, not the entire population. What your seeing is not to protect the population but to train and control them. […]

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Phil misses shadow due to Climate Change Engineering,

Punxsutawney Phil admits he missed his shadow because chem-trails were blocking the morning Sun. February 2, 2024 World renowned prognosticator deceived by toxins falling from the sky. Yes, this years Phil forecast is under investigation for tampering by newly appointed government climate czars. […]

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Affidavit's We don't need no stinking Lawyers!

Good information and templates too! Learn about Affidavits and the legalese before going this route. Here are some sites to visit first. Crrow777 Radio Alphonse Faggiolo How to Win in Court Without a Lawyer […]

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Masked Mouths are Incubators for Super Bugs?

Do you notice odor coming from your mask wearing mouth? Guess what! Your masked mouth has turned into a anaerobic incubator. Disease loves moist, dark, low oxygen environments to grow, and your mask wearing pie hole is ideal for it. You have joined the international lottery to be a winner for […]

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J'ai levé les yeux


Vandergrift, Pennsylvania se fait pulvériser. Vandergrift, en Pennsylvanie, n’est pas assez proche des aéroports pour ce trafic aérien. Les sentiers traînent, s'étalent et font une journée nuageuse d'une journée ensoleillée. Qui fait ça et pourquoi? Qu'est-ce que cela fait pour votre santé? Et où […]

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Grandparents say no to masks!

Stop using grandparents as an excuse for mask wearing. What red blooded Grandparent would want to see their future generations muzzled and harmed by government? Mask wearing is not natural and harms the wearer. Grandparents don’t want their children harmed! Don’t let these […]

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