“CopenPay” – Europe’s first Climate-centric Social Credit Scheme

The world’s first climate-related social rewards scheme came into being two weeks ago, when the city of Copenhagen officially launched it’s new “CopenPay” system. Through the CopenPay scheme, tourists visiting the city will be rewarded for “green actions” – such as using public transportation or […]

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From Trump’s “assassination” to Biden’s disappearing act…it’s all theatre

Remakes and sequels have almost killed Hollywood movie making, turning every film into a collection of meta references and nostalgia bait…‘hey remember when this happened in that other movie! That was cool right!’  Now, it seems,  they’re trying the same tactics in politics. That’s what we’ve got in […]

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Amazon Gets Fresh, Bayer Loves Basmati: Toxic Influences in Indian Agriculture

The citizens of India have a problem. In what the media like to call ‘the world’s biggest democracy’, there is a serious, proven conflict of interest among officials in the areas of science, agriculture and agricultural research that results in privileging the needs of powerful private interests […]

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The People’s Court of New Normal Germany

Just when I thought things could not possibly get more shockingly totalitarian in New Normal Germany, where I’m being prosecuted in criminal court (for the second time) for tweeting, the German authorities have gone and surprised me again. No, they haven’t established an actual Nazi-style People’s […]

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A Time of Shame and Sorrow: When It Comes to Political Violence, We All Lose

“Whenever any American’s life is taken by another American unnecessarily—whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to violence—whenever we tear at the fabric of life which …... […]

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Caged in Oligarchic Contradictions

A contronym is a word having two definitions that contradict each other.  Two examples are the word bolt, which can mean to lock with a bolt and to flee, and clip, which means to attach and to detach. There are many such words and there is also a system of thought based on them.  It …... Continue […]

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Biden Drops Out

It was always going to happen…and now it has. Incumbent President Joe Biden has officially dropped out of the race, endorsing Kamala Harris as his replacement on the Democratic ticket. Despite backing Biden as recently as 24-hours ago, Hillary and Bill Clinton have joined Biden in endorsing Harris, […]

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The Turn of the Screw

Remember when you were a kid and saw “thumbscrew torture” for the first time in some late-night horror film? It was the coolest. To inflict so much pain with so little effort—just a tiny turn of the screw and intense wailing would ensue. How cool was that?—horrifying as well. Although using […]

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Let’s talk about….the Global Computer Crisis

A massive outage of Windows-based computers has impacted systems all over the world. Doctors’ surgeries, airlines, train stations, television stations, payment platforms – virtually all sectors of human society have been impacted. Traffic is backing up, flights are grounded. So far Microsoft is […]

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The man on the stage

Here is some unsolicited advice from an old woman living in the wilderness of Canada. I mean well. There is something going on in the world that you cared about last week. It consumed most of your energy in terms of what you believed in working towards. Then there was an assassination attempt on […]

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The Civil War Simulation

It has been slouching toward Bethlehem for the last eight years. The gyre has been widening, the falcon turning and turning, the center losing hold, and so on. Its hour has not quite come round yet, but something is definitely rising out of Spiritus Mundi. No, not the beast from The Second Coming, […]

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Trump Assassination Attempt – The stories so far

It’s three days since the alleged attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and while we’re not really any closer to knowing the truth of the situation, the claims and counterclaims from all sides are coming thick and fast. The shooter was a Republican… no he was a Democrat…. Trump was hit by a bullet… no it […]

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Oh what a tangled web Spring weaves

On Sunday night I watched the footy at my Mum’s. Thoroughly deflated by England’s 2-1 defeat to Spain and irritated by BBC “pundits,” I then had the misfortune to watch the BBC evening news’ alleged analysis of the Trump shooting. Now, it seemed to me that the BBC were asking us all to believe that […]

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Project Total Control: Everything Is a Weapon When Totalitarianism Is Normalized

“The biggest mistake I see is people waiting for A Big Sign that’ll tell them that things have gone too far. One Big Thing that police or lawmakers or the president/leaders will do that will cross the line. It’ll never come because they won’t cross it. They’ll move the line. That line you think you […]

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Jordan Henderson lives in the Northwest of the United States. He works in oil paints, and charcoals. A portfolio of his works can be viewed at either of his websites: Original Paintings – Fine Art Prints.... Continue reading

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
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