May 20, 2024

Weekly Update --- The Vietnamization of Ukraine

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Iranian President Killed In Helicopter Crash Escalates Tensions In The Middle East!!

Please contribute to help Dan with exposing Bilderberg 2024: The President of Iran has been killed in a helicopter crash with Israeli officials insisting “it wasn’t us” as tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For... Continue reading

Planned Parenthood: Caught in a 2nd Murder-for-Hire

The persecution of investigative journalist David Daleiden court discovery has revealed Planned Parenthood and NIH in a second murder-for-hire scheme. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at If you... Continue reading

New York Times Tries to Explain Away "Male & Female, He Created Them"

New York Times celebrates a family denying the Christian faith to embrace their son who has been genderized by college.  And the NYT engages in some interesting "theology" to explain away the Bible’s explicit and clear view of only 2 genders. For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHT... Continue reading

The Birds & the Bees— Pre-Pandemic "Crimes" to Centralize Control of the People Through Food

It’s like Minority Report "pre-crime" — using a "test" to destroy livestock from birds to bees to cows, when NO animals or humans are sick.  It’s about consolidation of food for control.  Beware of Trump media and former Trump administrators now pushing "gain-of-function" fear to conservatives to nudge people to accept absurd measures. For 10%... Continue reading

Is The Assage Case Slipping Out Of US Hands?

he London High Court has ruled today the Julian Asssange may appeal his extradition to the US to face espionage charges based on the question of whether he would be granted First Amendment rights regardless of nationality. Is the US case beginning to crack? Also today, former CDC head admits vaccine injuries, says his colleagues must face reality.... Continue reading

US/Israel Implicated In Congo (DRC) Coup & Iranian Crash As ICC Announces Warrants For Netanyahu

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: Want to send a check to support TLAV, or just words of... Continue reading

Anya Parampil's 'Corporate Coup' book launch in NYC

Watch The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil discuss her new book, "Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire" with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate at the Francis Kite Club in New York City on May 15, 2024. Parampil’s book blends bracing on the ground journalism from Caracas to Washington with history and analysis to tell the story of the failed US... Continue reading

Prévisions hivernales 2019 du ver laineux de Vandergrift

Même avant que le Firmament ne s’ouvre pour inonder ce plan, les Hommes étudiaient la Nature pour envisager leur avenir.

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UK Column News - 20th May 2024

Brian Gerrish, Alex Thomson and Mark Anderson with today’s UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: Sources: Continue reading

Mon 20May24 The Birds & the Bees — How They're Attacking Our Food with FAKE Pandemic Fear

(2:00) • The contours of world government conspiracy (no theory) • Billionaire says chances are 40% for civil war in USA.  Is that too low? • Mainstream ignores online race hatred by mass shooter-wannabe (36:54) The face of dystopian tyranny — America’s political prisoners • Assange — wins in extradition fight, will get to appeal • J6er — 40... Continue reading

Operation Nano-Trojan Horse... Part 2...

The recent acknowledgement of the mainstream press regarding vaccine injuries from the covid vaccines leaves little doubt as to the true extent of the damage done by these weaponized systems. What are the technologies and true purposes of unleashing this scourge upon humanity? Continue reading

With Gaza on the brink, hostage talks must resume, Security Council hears

Gaza stands at “yet another precipice of further catastrophe” as the latest round of hostage negotiations in Cairo failed to reach an agreement, a senior UN official warned the Security Council on Monday.... Continue reading

UN chief saddened at death of Iranian President in helicopter crash

UN Secretary-General António Guterres, alongside members of the Security Council, has extended sincere condolences to the people and Government of Iran following the death of President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter accident on Sunday.... Continue reading

Rafah exodus passes 810,000, says UNRWA

At least 810,000 people have fled Rafah in just two weeks, UN humanitarians said on Monday amid reports of ongoing Israeli military operations in the southern city and in the north of Gaza.... Continue reading