We are beginning to see an explosion in the use of subtle electricity, as is
predicted for the age of energy. Electroculture, or harnessing atmospheric
energy in your garden, is on the rise. The result of employing electroculture
is often astonishing, and yet, we are just beginning to re-learn what is
possible and what methods work best. For those who experiment with
electroculture, there is no doubt that adding copper spirals and antennas to a
garden, borders on magical. It is predicted that during the age of energy we
will, once again, learn to comprehend and harness 5 subtle electric energies.
It is further stated that the 5 subtle electricities are present in our senses.
Likewise, a renewed interest in the Skyclock luminaries will grow for those who
garden with subtle energies. As we know, Venus is associated with copper, and
so on. In hour two we discuss parasites and known methods to cleanse them from
the body. Once well-known herbs were widely used to flush parasites. Wormwood
being a good example, and named accordingly. We also touch on the idea that
parasites can influence consciousness. Is it possible that a parasite can
influence you to avoid ingesting things that are bad for the parasitic
life-cycle? Look up the mushroom cordyceps, which is known to hijack the will
of insects in order to force actions that further the parasitic life-cycle.
Infected ants become like zombies unable to control their own movement.
Uninfected ants recognize the infection and carry the zombies away from the
colony to avoid spreading the body-snatchers. But, in this episode, we focus
primarily on a parasite called the Rope Worm, and methods used to cleanse them
from the body. Parasitic infections often go unnoticed but there are easy
methods one can employ to detect the unwanted intruders. In this episode we
cover energetic gardening, and how to avoid becoming the “host” of a secret
one-sided party in your temple. The plant kingdom is simply amazing, and at the
root (pun intended) of both hour one, and hour two topics.
Original post on Crrow777 Radio