June 15, 2024

Alex Jones Down But Not Out, Ordered To liquidate Personal Assets But Infowars Lives On!!

DONATE ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/ SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth A bankruptcy judge in Houston Texas ordered Infowars founder Alex Jones to liquidate his personal assets to help pay roughly $1.5 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families, but handed Jones a win - dismissing a separate bankruptcy case over... Continue reading

The Death of the Shadow

Recently my sister gave me an article written in a weekly magazine that the El Convento Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico printed back in 1963. The little magazine was titled The San Juan Diary published once a week. It was chock full of ads (more ads than print copy!) primarily advertising for entertainers, restaurants, …... Continue reading

Life After The Bubble: With Special Guest Graham Summers

Graham Summers joins us today to discuss his new book: Into The Abyss. Amazon link: https://a.co/d/9J1wjqp … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0r1Y07vSS0... Continue reading

Shop Las Vegas Online

Visit the NoGOV Shop, where Las Vegas goes online to Shop and Sell!

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How to Boycott Big Food

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/how-to-boycott-big-food-2013/ FROM 2013: As with every such transition, the move from an industrial food diet to a homegrown, organic one is likely to occur in gradual stages. As people improve their gardening skills and devote more of their time and attention to sourcing healthy, natural foods... Continue reading

Welcome to the Age of Abstraction

The UK Metereological Office has just reported that we have enjoyed the hottest May on record. Meanwhile, those of us who have lived in the UK during May have endured unseasonal cold and rain, and have complained to one another constantly about it. Welcome to the age of abstraction, when lived experience is irrelevant and …... Continue reading