• Big Brother (Big Sister) comes to your phone as OpenAI’s GPT-4o can use the phone’s camera to learn about you, your mood, your politics & religion, and make you feel comfortable with the new chatty “companion”
• We know that AI is being programmed with bias but media makes the case that it’s perfectly capable of lying on its own. Either way, it’s a con-game
• What group/demographic is most skeptical of AI?
(35:43) California Scheming
• San Francisco spends millions to give homeless FREE alcohol — and not the cheap stuff either. It’s all about creating dependency
• Newsom blows $24 BILLION on homeless project without results as he blows the $100 BILLION surplus Trump gave him with pandemic cash
(44:30) WATCH “Shout Out Loud” - ScottHelmer.com
(46:06) States begin prohibiting lab grown meat. Is that a violation of free market principles or a push back against multinational technocracy?
(56:03) Bob Menendez’s SECOND trial for corruption begins — his horde of gold bars included stolen bars
(1:00:51) A thanks to supporters
(1:02:22) Geospatial Intelligence — the ubiquitous program that no one wants to talk about
(1:04:09) Pentagon & Palantir Reveal the Madness & Depravity of the Warfare State Pre-emptive war, targeting of civilians, and ruthless geopolitics — Gen Milley & Alex Karp monologue about what justifies war in their viewpoint — and it’s a far cry from the Christian values of Just War that guided America and Western Civilization in times past.
(1:33:24) “Hebron Smart City” — prototype of the surveillance state 15 Minute City?
(1:41:53) GOP Becomes GRAND Ole PANDERERS — the Competition Within GOP to See Who Can Come Up With the Most Authoritarian, Unconstitutional measures to Pander to Israeli Donors
• “No Fly List” for protestors — how can anyone support this Star Chamber process for ANY reason?
• Weaponize IRS to attack political enemies
• Impeach Biden for NOT sending weapons to Israel (did they get it backward?)
• Award-winning jewish screenwriter says he doesn’t want to persuade opponents or make them better — rather “make them FEAR us” and how we can destroy them
• Color-blind society without racism? No, NYC now blocking white-owned businesses from even bidding on $2.3 BILLION job
(2:03:21) Fossil Fools — Useful Elderly Idiot Marxists
• attack the foundation of our Western Civilization legal rights, literally attack the actual Magna Carta
• Turns out the sun drives climate and temperature. Who would’ve guessed? But how do we prove it to the the climate alarmists? Here’s one way from Berkeley Earth Data…
• Yet another pseudo-reason to enslave us — US government claims COOKING FOOD is a major cause of urban air pollution
• Billionaire wants to make psychedelic drugs the next big thing
• 9 year old in Minnesota beaten by 4 Muslim classmates for being white Christian they tell school administrator who does nothing
• RFKj confirms abortion for full term babies and Iceland aborts nearly 100% of Down syndrome children
• Jailed pro-lifer denied heart treatment as another elderly woman is given 5 YEARS for peaceful protest at abortion “clinic”
• Belgian government will negotiate with prostitutes on behalf of pimps. Prostitution was legalized less than 2 years ago
• Drag Queen “pastor” preaches sermon about the character building process of being a “drag” “Christian”
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Original post on The David Knight Show