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I'm lost at Sea if I think Ball?

Thinking you live on a spinning ball will get you in all kinds of problems finding your way using the sky. The Heavenly Bodies   "Before the theory of sight can be understood, there are facts about the Earth you must grasp and terms you must learn. We navigate by means of the Sun, the Moon, […]

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Alchemical Tech Revolution

The Alchemical Tech Revolution explores the ancient roots of technocracy and seeks to find true metaphysical underpinnings of our modern society. The state of our society and technology plays a key role in understanding the science of social engineering and how it has been leveraged against us by a […]

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
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