January 2023 (13)

475- Evil Minds that Plot Destruction – The Sorcerers of the 60s Still Rock On (Free)

We tend to look back at the music of the 60s and 70s and lament at the loss of a certain musical level and style. But truth be told, the music of the 60s was in fact a lower-minded, less complex version of popular music from a generation before. And while the music of the 60s hypnotized the world, […]

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The Matrix And Reality's Tessalated GameBoard...

Reading from a 1911 book titled, "Mystic Masonry" by J.D. Buck… Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/wayne-mcroy/subscribe https://www.rokfin.com/waynemcroy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSdS1CiIycQRaSy2UupPrzg […]

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474- Q & A with Fortune de St. Germain – Part 2 (Free)

This episode is part 2 of two episodes that are a question-and-answer session with Fortune de St. Germain. Members of Crrow777Radio.com submitted questions which took us two episodes to cover. From alchemy to the zodiac, and everything in between, the submitted questions run a gamut of topics. We […]

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473- Q & A with Fortune de St. Germain – Part 1 – Calliope Crashed to the Ground (Free)

This episode is part 1 of two episodes that are a question-and-answer session with Fortune de St. Germain. Members of Crrow777Radio.com submitted questions which took us two episodes to cover. From alchemy to the zodiac, and everything in between, the submitted questions run a gamut of topics. We […]

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The War On Meat...

What is behind the "vegan" agenda and the push for "meat alternatives"? Reading from a white paper from the World Economic Forum… Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/wayne-mcroy/subscribe https://www.rokfin.com/waynemcroy […]

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472- Are We Not Men? We Are Devo (De-Evolution), as are the Modern 88 Constellations (Free)

His-story tells us that we inherited 48 ancient constellations from a man named Ptolemy, who left us no star maps, in the 2nd century. He is attributed with a star catalog called the Almagest (of which Tycho Brahe made many corrections). And, by the way, the constellations, in that time, had no […]

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471- Legal is as Legal Does, and Yet, there is Still Functional a System (Free)

Our guest returns from the Great White North to catch us up on launching his website which seeks to assist those dealing with legal issues and wanting to learn more about it. Many folks are waking up and remembering that they have rights and as a result are looking to learn how to defend their […]

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The Occult Foundations Of Globalism...

Reading from "Theosophy And World-Problems", a 1922 book by Annie Besant, C. Jinarajadasa, J. Krishnamurti, and G.S. Arundale… Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/wayne-mcroy/subscribe https://www.rokfin.com/waynemcroy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSdS1CiIycQRaSy2UupPrzg […]

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470- Waking Up Without Folgers in Your Cup (Free)

There are those of us who began to see the world with new eyes a long time ago. It seems that for the majority of us this shift took hold during the 2000s, picking up momentum after the year 2001. Two decades later it has become quite clear that we are in the heart of a time of change. And if the […]

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469- Skyclock Cycles- One Day You Find 10 Nonlinear Years have got Behind You… (Free)

No one told you when to run. You missed the starting gun, and yet, here we are at the end of an era, transitioning into another. And though this is obvious on the face of it, we know next to nothing about the cycles that ensure eras exist in the first place. Much effort has been spent to dislocate […]

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Tavistock And Psychological Warfare...

Reading from Daniel Estulin’s "Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering the Masses"… Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/wayne-mcroy/subscribe https://www.rokfin.com/waynemcroy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSdS1CiIycQRaSy2UupPrzg  […]

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468- Imagine His Story as a Game of Scrabble – Part II (Free)

This episode picks up as Part II of episode 459. We begin where we left off as a result of so many member requests to have our guest back on. Our guest has 5 books now, published under the title heading “Spirit Whirled”. The first book alone will help minds consider words in a different way, and how […]

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467- Frequency and Vibration are Key in any Age (Free)

If a thing exists it vibrates – so to speak. Event things we cannot see with our eyes. Frequency and vibration are among the foundational concerns of our technical age. And while these realities seem to get very little notice, that will not be the case for much longer. From commercial communication […]

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