Tag - the new normal

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Progress and Potatoes

Please note this is a humour piece which is not something people may want to read depending on the state of your country and how demoralized/angry you may be about the state of the world. Seriously. And so it was that the two old women (who would not admit to being old at all and …... Continue […]

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Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim to Force Us into Smart Gulags

Shocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future. The criminocratic global imperialists often use their Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny – think of […]

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Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves

“In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is […]

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You will be tagged and you will love it

As expected, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was the hottest anti-globalist multipolar traditional RETVRN values conference of 2024—possibly of all-time. The unipolar world suffered non-stop humiliations during this mind-blowing freedom event. For example, Moscow Region governor […]

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Welcome to the Age of Abstraction

The UK Metereological Office has just reported that we have enjoyed the hottest May on record. Meanwhile, those of us who have lived in the UK during May have endured unseasonal cold and rain, and have complained to one another constantly about it. Welcome to the age of abstraction, when lived […]

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Damage is a Given

The heavy rains are rich with life in the Spring. Even when the lilacs have died and the wafting scent of lily-of-the-valley has faded. Summer will come very soon, although it seems a long Spring this time and that is something to celebrate because it freshens the air and whispers its promises. We […]

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What’s Next for Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way

“I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us gardening and going to schools and kissing our wives. I feel like I have been watched for so long.” Mosab Abu Toha, Palestinian poet If […]

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[UPDATED] And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming…

The bird flu narrative is constantly developing, so I figured it was time for an update. You know…to keep you all abreast of the chicken situation. Ba dum tss! Back in April the scare stories were about Bird Flu jumping from birds to cattle and from cattle to people, and how – as a result …... […]

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2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another? Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting more complex all the time or simply not […]

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Remember in 2013 Congress passed legislation allowing the federal government to fund and create propaganda they knew could be used to manipulate Americans on American soil. This legislation was called "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" .
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