
(2:00) Never forget the Fauci "cases", masks, "6ft social distance", hat and cancellation of medical martial law — it’s not done
• Some comic relief in Congress as they return from long Memorial Day vacation
• Ethics? "I don’t even know what our Ethics Office does".  Fauci’s wife ran it
• MTG rages about Fauci, pretends Trump had nothing to do with it
Trump, Fauci, and Tedros (WHO) agree: Gates’ GAVI will save us
Congress can defund ANY of the activities or agencies that did medical martial law but we’re supposed to feel fine if they yell at Fauci
• WATCH The DrugFather — drugs are a dirty business
(28:32) The Mask-erade
• WATCH Never forget that people were physically beaten and punished in myriad ways for disobedience to an absurd, nonscientific, illegal dictate
• WATCH when the cameras are off, the masks are off
• WATCH Fauci’s flip-flopping lies about masks
• SugarWater Jabs: C’mon, You Can Take a Little Mercury or Aluminum for Trump. IW fans can’t handle the  clip of Alex Jones selling the Trump Kool-Aid. For decades, Alex Jones told people the truth about adjuvants added to vaccines, warning them of the health danger — until Trump wanted you vaccinated.  Then he sugar coats the lie that BigPharma always told telling you injecting mercury

Original post on The David Knight Show