As we head into the new age, we do so in a world that has become a very toxic
place. This is particularly true for those of us who live in cities. From the
additives in our drinking water, to whatever it is that is being sprayed in our
skies, it has become increasingly difficult to stay healthy. To top it off,
corporate food production has steadily sacrificed nutrition and quality for
quantity, and has done so through the chemicalization of farming. It is with
these woes in mind that those who care about health are implementing detoxing
regimes, as well as nutritional supplements. Those in the know comprehend that
all supplements are not created equal. These informed few also know that each
of us is different. One man may lack vitamin C, while a woman he knows may be
in need of magnesium. The main point here is that each of us needs to take
responsibility for health and develop an inner knowing, with regard to toxicity
and what nutrition is personally lacking. A good place to start is researching
what vitamins and minerals are commonly lacking in large segments of society.
It is not hard to find information and studies that show magnesium deficiency
is very common, as an example. Once you know this it is on you to learn about
the different types of magnesium, how the body uses it, what foods provide it,
and so on. Simply taking an active interest in health and nutrition can often
make a big difference. It did for me. Unfortunately, there is currently open
hostility online, and in the mainstream, directed toward supplements and all
things holistic. It has gotten so bad in some places, that those who have valid
knowledge to share can no longer speak openly. It may be that in the near
future gaining information that differs from allopathy will not be as easy to
obtain. And to be clear, it used to be much easier a few short years ago,
depending on what country you live in. Over the past 60 years or so allopathy
has convinced many of us that our health is somehow the responsibility of the
drug based medical system. In fact, it is not. Health is the responsibility of
each of us and the loss of this mindset has led to an overweight and very
unhealthy population. This is very good news for the allopathic medical and
drug system, but not so much for anyone else. Health in my country is at an all
time low, and that observation spans over half a century. It is also backed up
by the fact that life expectancy in the US has dropped two years in a row. But
I suspect anyone who takes the time to read this knows good and well why
lifespans are suddenly shorter now.
Original post on Crrow777 Radio