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2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another?Original post on BLACKLISTED NEWS

2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another? Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting more complex all the time or simply not […]

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CSIS Says Canadians Opposed To Gender Ideology Are A Possible “Violent Threat”…OK GROOMER!!!

Please contribute to help Dan with exposing Bilderberg 2024: In its annual report for 2023 the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says that Canadians opposed to gender ideology are a possible “violent […]

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How Insurance Companies Bankrupt Doctors That Don't Vaccinate Kids

Follow the money.  One doctor tells all — doctors are PAID not to notice adverse effects like SIDS and autism — by insurance companies! For 10% off Gerald Celente’s prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at  […]

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Local Tyrants Put on Notice?

Video of a Canadian putting his local City Council on notice. Another good video found at Tim Truth.   Shop&Barter/Auction&Sell   […]

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Latest listings added - NoGOV Shop

White Christmas doll-July 24, 2024,11:31
'White Christmas" is truly a collectible doll with original head by sculptor Karen Seamons. She has been hand-crafted with the special attention to detail that is the hallmark of all Marie Osmond dolls. "White Christmas" is hallmarked on the back of her neck with Marie's signature and is hand numbered 2850 .
Baby Amy Doll-July 21, 2024,11:24
"Baby Amy" is truly a collectible doll by sculptor, Karen Scott. She has been hand-crafted with the special attention to detail that is the hallmark of all Marie Osmond dolls. "Baby Amy" is hallmarked on the back of her neck with Marie's signature and is hand numbered 0267
Adora Doll Blonde-July 21, 2024,11:24
Adora doll blonde with brown eyes. No box. Asking $60 US or best offer with $15 to ship.
GIULIETTI PIANO ACCORDION Model S32-July 21, 2024,11:24
Vintage 1950's accordion in excellent working condition. Comes with original hard case. It is a small light accordion with a full size 41 key /120 bass key setup and extremely high quality sounds. There are 3 treble setting buttons on the front and 2 Bass settings on the back. The bellows do not leak […]
Pierogies by Jodi-May 5, 2024,12:18
Perogies -Potato & Cheese  1 dozen

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574- When Sun- Based Calendars Replaced the Skyclock Reality Receded (Free)

The power of calendars and clocks goes largely unnoticed. Calendars are an approximation of what the Skyclock proves is true. The calendar we currently use is solar-based, and geared toward facilitating civil controls, as opposed to the synchronizing, healthy, rhythmic and cyclical truths provided […]

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Nicola Lund: From School Teacher to Activist Journalist

After complaining about the treatment of her aunt, Nicola learned a lot about how the NHS system worked, including that it is almost impossible to remove a DNR notice once it is recorded in a person’s medical records. Read the write-up at: […]

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573- Do You Know the Difference between Private & Public? Let’s Talk Law (Free)

** Solar Telescope Footage ** My first solar telescope video is now posted for members under the “VIDEO” link at I have officially started filming the Sun with new high-end tools. My search for the 2nd sun, and all other videos, will be published for members only, free of the […]

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Suing the Tyrants - #SolutionsWatch

SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: You’ve tried protesting, you’ve tried boycotting, what else is there to do? Well, how about filing a lawsuit? Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he weighs the pros and cons of suing the tyrants and […]

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559- Have You Been Here Before? Consciousness Rising (Free)

Have you noticed the astonishing abilities of young folks these days? I am not referring to a whole generation. I am referring to the stand-outs that we all see from time to time. Decades back they were called “Indigo Children”, but here in the modern era we are starting to see more and more young […]

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547- Invisible Vibrations & Unseen Waves of Frequent-Seas (Free)

Part of the strategy to take over the world is based on frequencies. Not only the harmful frequencies we are surrounded by, but the vibrational rates of human beings and our thoughts as well. As we enter a new era our species should be experiencing rising vibrational rates. We do see evidence of […]

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533- Mind Precedes All, to Include Health and Healing (Free)

What role does state-of-mind and thought play in healing? How is it that this can even be considered a serious question? We know that the mind precedes all reality and experience, if time is taken to test this ancient eastern spiritual maxim. We know that the mind plays a key role in stress, sexual […]

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523- Growing Food – It all Starts with Soil, Known as Earth (Free)

Many are starting to comprehend that systems are starting to demand costs far beyond money. Food systems included. It is for this reason that there is a resurging interest in growing food, and gardening in general. Realization is setting in that it would not take much to interrupt food supplies, […]

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522- A New Life Enters Our Realm Avoiding Synthetic Impairments (Free)

This is a love story that came to be due to a podcast. Two minds were searching for something of value, beyond the high gloss cover up of mainstream normalization. One might ask – what is normal? In our era normal seems to be whatever people are used to doing. Dissatisfied, many minds are beginning […]

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513- Energy Age Gardening & Parasite Cleansing (Free)

We are beginning to see an explosion in the use of subtle electricity, as is predicted for the age of energy. Electroculture, or harnessing atmospheric energy in your garden, is on the rise. The result of employing electroculture is often astonishing, and yet, we are just beginning to re-learn what […]

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