• Add rice to the list of foods to be killed to “save the planet” — a stable food of billions of people
(27:13) Pennsylvania comes after cow breeders — arrested & jailed for using ultrasound. The accusation is practicing veterinary medicine without a license
(38:26) The Bird Flu Push
• $200 MILLION for “tests”, PPE, and general fear mongering and grifting
• The narrative, not the virus, is mutating and evolving
• Tremble in fear at the awesome science: “It’s a mathematical, probabilistic thing”, “keeps rewriting the textbooks”, “these viruses have some kind of special sauce”
• If pigs could flu…
• A look at the fear headlines
• Trump’s CDC Director, Redfield, says he could make bird flu infectious for humans “in months”
• Bird flu in humans — how many “cases” in 22 years?
(1:00:27) Listeners respond live
(1:05:39) WHO’s “Alliance for Food Safety” - Pharma takes over food, call it PHOOD?
• a grand plan to take over food production and distribution
• Vaccinating us through food
• Role of neo-paganism, wicca, the occult and Gaia
• Handy on why they use “ground beef” instead of steak for their “tests”
(1:21:22) The Euro-Trash contest
• Politics obscures the debauchery, witchcraft, trans-insanity
• Much like the Olympics where sports and individual accomplishment are subservient to “nationalism”, so this contest is there primarily to push tribalism, and now degeneracy
• Pagan nationalism instead of Christian nationalism?
• The twisted anti-Christian message of the winning tranny’s song: ”The Code”
• WATCH Bambi Thug speak: the self-described ”queer witch” who says ”the queers are coming”
• US Government mandates “preferred pronouns in all workplaces”. How can they do that? Money
• Canada to spend $13MILLION on a monument to 2SLGBTQI+ insanity
• Remembering the first public glimpse of the Furry movement —violence, debauchery, filth, and $100,000 in damages
(1:52:04) The Insurance Industry is Part of the Pandemic Scam/Cover-Up
• Pediatricians are bribed and blackmailed financially by insurance companies to vax kids
• All doctors were bribed and blackmailed financially by insurance companies to give TrumpShots
• Insurance industry actuarial group moves data showing the spike in non-Covid deaths during their push for jabs behind a $10,000 firewall. Afraid of what?
• Who is likely behind the apparent conspiracy of the insurance industry to vax and cover-up?
(2:24:47) Money
• Nebraska removes tax on gold/silver gains and prohibits CBDC
• Gold — insurance, not speculation
• Something weird about Costco gold
• Even in Sweden, the most cashless country in EU, there are now concerns about digital cash and its vulnerabilities
(2:38:18) Fears about solar storm were unfounded but man-made attacks could be much more dangerous
(2:42:18) Mother’s Day — created by an angry turn-of-the-century feminist, unmarried & childless, who spent the rest of her life protesting her own creation
(2:49:15) Legal News Update (not Trump)
• Verdict on wildlife agents trespassing on private land to find crime committed by property owners — hunting and fishing for YOU
• Trudeau’s “emergency” gun grab dictate of a couple of years ago will not go into effect for at least another year and a half. Will Alberta and other provinces block it?
• Hunter Biden tries to hide behind the 2A that his father has spent his life trying to destroy, claiming that he should not be blocked from having a gun because of drug use that his father has also worked to lock OTHER people up with mandatory minimums. What did the court say?
• Supreme Court delivers an opinion on Civil Asset Forfeiture that is perhaps the most nonsensical ever
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Original post on The David Knight Show