There are a lot of things that are about to change in our world. I will make
the case as to why this “could be” be a good thing. Currently many of the
systems and “facts” that we accept about our world are upside down and
backwards. This is by design and exists as a social engineering foundation. As
an example, let’s look at how we think about the most basic event in the life
of a family. That being a birth. Have you ever witnessed a gender reveal where
pink and blue inform us whether a boy or a girl is expected? I am here to tell
you this taught thinking is backwards and designed to separate our minds from
Nature – where the only truth that exists is proven. In fact, Red is masculine
and blue is feminine, as is proven by Nature. When we add white to a color to
get baby blue or pink (white + red) we are adding purity to the primary color,
so to speak, which fits perfectly for representing an innocent baby (Adding
black to color goes the other way). To be clear, a quick run-down of accurate
gender symbolism is as follows. For women the side is left, polarity is
negative, the color is blue and the symbol is that of Venus. For men the side
is right, polarity is positive, the color is red and the symbol is that of
Mars. Isn’t it interesting that architects seem to still recall how to properly
layout restrooms in buildings? Typically (not always) the lady’s room is on the
left! So, does any of this matter? Beyond any reasonable shadow of doubt, it
surely does! One of the first steps of social engineering is to separate human
minds from nature, where truth is found. This is partly why the church created
the derogatory term “pagan” which actually means someone who is living close to
nature – or truth. This is also why (partly) we have a Gregorian calendar (and
why before that Caesar jacked up the calendar), as it is detached from Nature
thereby separating our lives (at a very basic and critical level) from what was
once rightly referred to as “the acceptable year of the Lord”. This is a huge
deal and it ensures that we cycle-tune our lives artificially. When we look at
our clocks and say it is noon, it is not. The only “true” noon is when the sun
is at the apex for that day and geography. And yet, the current system marks an
artificial noon for a man in one location, and also for another approximately
one thousand miles away. For these two men sunrise does not occur at the same
time, nor does noon… in reality. The ideas I have tried to illustrate here are
important beyond my ability to describe them. It is the difference between
truth and delusion. Living in delusion separates our very being from truth, and
this magnificent Creation provides everything needed to support the gift of the
Divine Spark of Life. How important is the truth that is founded and proven by
Nature? Let me put it this way – A life lived based in truth is a life far less
likely to fall for fake moon landings, manufactured pandemics and fear-porn. A
mind that constantly believes in lies and falsehood, will believe nearly
anything, and that is a power coveted by those who wish to control the world.
With the coming change comes an opportunity to re-establish systems based on
the truths proven in Nature. The new era is upon us and can be based in fallacy
or based in reality, it is up to us to decide. For my part, I am beyond
exhausted with era of deception and the constant lies spewed from
Original post on Crrow777 Radio