As far as I know Max Gerson was the first to show the power of using coffee to
clean out the body. Almost 100 years ago Max Gerson announced he had a cure for
many deadly diseases implementing coffee as part of the remedy. Within three
months his method was made illegal in this country. Fast forward to the new
millennium and the method has been improved by our guest. She studied the
properties of coffee and set to work creating a green coffee blend that
increases the effectiveness of using coffee to clean out the body. And while
the green coffee is not meant for drinking, I drink it on air in this episode
and experience a high-octane caffeine boost. I describe the feeling on air. In
short, using coffee in the manner first put forward by Gerson and improved by
our guest can be life changing. Most of us have no idea how much toxic sludge
has been built up in our livers and bodies, but when it is properly expelled it
feels like jumping back to youth almost instantaneously. We live in a very
toxic world and what we cover in this episode is the only way I have come
across that expels toxins from the body effectively. I will also mention that
only those of us with open minds will be willing to consider the benefits of
coffee used in this manner. Most of us will only consider drinking coffee and
what we cover here is 180 degrees off a typical coffee break. Gerson referred
to it as an “upside-down coffee break”. The only thing left to do here is ask a
simple question. Do you have an open mind that is willing to consider very
unfamiliar things?
Original post on Crrow777 Radio