It has never been more critical than it is now to build community and
alliances. The cost of corporate goods and services is starting to demand much
more than money. As a matter of fact, your freedom can now be traded for
services – if you accept certain offers. Which brings us back around to
building community and alliances. In the near future who you know and who is
willing to help you may be the difference between night and day. Do you know
folks who are growing food or offering services or stockpiling wood? A few
years ago, a question like this would have been dismissed out of hand – not
anymore. The days of division, accusation and suspicion need to go away
quickly. It does not matter who is a shill in your judging mind when you need
food or water. Plain and simple. The internet, politics and news has done all
they can do to divide us, and we may well see what fruit division bears before
another year passes. Spoiler, there is no fruit in division, only the need for
fruit, water, or anything else you need to live. Let us use plain English here
— build bridges, make friends, build community, make alliances, prepare, stop
judging, start reaching out, and above all comprehend that we are all the same.
We all need food and water and none of us want to be hurt. We are all the same
and yet the age of deception currently has most of us divided. This is by
design as what follows division is called conquering.
Original post on Crrow777 Radio