Tag - ron paul liberty report

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Blinken Fiddles In Kiev As Ukrainian Troops Burned In Kharkov

Secretary of State Antony Blinken dragged C-Span cameras along to a pub in Kiev where he jumped onstage to play Neil Young’s "Rockin’ in the Free World" with the house band, seemingly oblivious to the rapid advance of Russian forces in the north. Meanwhile, Blinken green-lights Ukraine to […]

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Speaker Johnson Declares WAR On Thomas Massie?

Was a massive $300,000 AIPAC ad purchase against Republican Rep. Thomas Massie in Kentucky green-lighted by Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson? Is the Republican Party at war with itself and willing to slur its own members on spurious charges of bigotry? Also today, US Army Major, of […]

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Weekly Update --- Will the Fed Lose Control?

… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InLxcTW8F7AOriginal post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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Deranged Lindsey Graham: 'NUKE Gaza!'

Looking a little worse for wear, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to the Sunday talk show circuit to demand that Israel follow the US lead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and drop a nuclear weapon on Gaza…where some two million civilians still cling to life. Also today: House Republicans actually threw a […]

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Oppose a War And Get Sent To Fight (or Die) In It?

"Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." That is the law that Congress must follow. Every member of government "swears" that they […]

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Killing Fields Of Rafah Become Political Nightmare For Biden

As the Israeli military moves into Rafah, the former "safe haven" for displaced Palestinians from elsewhere in Gaza, against the expressed wishes of the Biden Administration, a new poll shows how much Biden’s Israel policy is hurting him with voters. Does he have any moves? Also today: […]

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Showdown! Will MTG Take Down Speaker Johnson?

A group of Republican rebels, led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, have laid down their list of demands to cease and desist from their efforts to unseat Speaker Johnson from his chair. Are they reasonable? Also today: Trump trials all falling apart. Finally: US contractors guarding Gaza’s southern […]

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Can We Break The Cycle? With Guest Joshua Smith

As part of our ongoing series of presidential candidate interviews, we are joined today by the Libertarian Party’s Joshua Smith to discuss his vision for the United States and the road toward a libertarian future. … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH4fgikd6M8Original post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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Weekly Update --- The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh5-fhBkuugOriginal post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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'Evidence Tampering' Threatens Trump Political Show Trial

Shocking news over the weekend that the "Justice" department had "altered or manipulated" key evidence in former President Trump’s classified documents trial casts a shadow on the case against him. Was it incompetence…or something more? Also: As Israel prepares to invade Rafah, […]

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“Hate Speech” -- The Opening Wedge To Destroy Free Speech

Opinions are not crimes. They are thoughts. Once government attempts to turn opinions into crimes, it opens the door for any thought that they don’t like to become a crime. The best way to counter distasteful opinions is with free speech, so that the truth can shine a light on them. Opinions can […]

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Do We Have A Libertarian Future? With Guest Michael Rectenwald

Libertarian professor and intellectual - and presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party - Michael Rectenwald joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss the mood of the country from his vantage point on the campaign trail. What are the main obstacles on the path to liberty and how might they be […]

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Back Door War: SecDef Admits US Troops In Gaza May See Combat

In a fascinating exchange US Rep. Matt Gaetz probed US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about the role of the estimated 1,000 US troops involved in building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza. Austin insisted that they were not "boots on the ground" although he admitted they would be […]

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Betrayal! Speaker Johnson Slipped $3 5 Billion For PRO-Migration In Aid Bill!

Not only did the massive $100 billion foreign aid bill passed by Speaker Johnson earlier this month contain not a penny to protect US borders, it turns out the bill contained a $3.5 billion "slush fund" to actually help facilitate MORE migration into the US. Will conservatives finally […]

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Weekly Update --- TikTok Hypocrisy

… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLW8I_SpHf0Original post on Ron Paul Liberty Report […]

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