Tag - labour

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The British Government?

Well, here in the UK we have a new Trilaterist….er, sorry, I meant Labour government, led by the charismatic Keir Starmer. Likened to a dish rag, and not without good reason, Keir Starmer now commands the government with a whopping 170+ seat majority after nearly 80% of the British electorate didn’t […]

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Talk Thread: Election Day in the UK

The original title of the post was simply “Election Day 2024”, but of course this is the “greatest election year in human history”, so that didn’t narrow it down enough. Today is the general election – or rather selection – in the UK, and the consensus is that Labour are going to storm it. Hardly […]

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No, they’re (probably) not going to bring back National Service.

As you all know, the UK is in the throes of campaigning following the announcement of an “election” on July 4th. One particular campaign promise has already caused a huge stir, with incumbent PM Rishi Sunak pledging to re-introduce National Service – mandatory military or some other community […]

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