Tag - bird flu

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Bird Flu Update: signposts of the coming rollout

Two days ago we published my latest bird flu article, “How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase”. Less than 12 hours later Salon published a 3000-word article about bird flu, which dedicates about 2000 of those words to “experts” talking about how we’re not testing enough […]

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How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Bird Flu Digest, formerly known as OffGuardian. The wall-to-wall coverage of Bird Flu is getting wallier-to-wallier with each passing week, to the point it’s almost hard to keep up with the waves of hot takes and chilling insights. But if you’re […]

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The Latest “Bird Flu” Death is “Covid” All Over Again

Yesterday, the mainstream media widely reported that a new strain of Bird Flu had claimed its first victim, a 59-year-old man from Mexico. The big news here is that the strain allegedly responsible, H5N2, had allegedly never before been detected in humans. Everyone from CNN to the BBC to Sky News to […]

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[UPDATED] And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming…

The bird flu narrative is constantly developing, so I figured it was time for an update. You know…to keep you all abreast of the chicken situation. Ba dum tss! Back in April the scare stories were about Bird Flu jumping from birds to cattle and from cattle to people, and how – as a result …Original […]

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