There are many ideas out there about the so-called age change. The best ideas
in this regard come to us from the east. While the Greeks, American Indians and
Egyptians are said to have had historical information, the Yuga cycles remain
the best source, in my view. The problem is that this information, like most
historical information in our world, has been corrupted, confused, or lost.
Some claim we have left the Kali Yuga, or dark age. Others say we are just
about to cross that threshold. I have been impressed with the information
provided by Sri Yukteswar, except… there has been no massive reset which seems
to be associated with every age change. In the interest of learning new ideas,
we interview our guest who makes the case for 2025 being the end of the
ascending dark age. He has a cultural connection to India, and has written a
very interesting book called “Yuga Shift”, which brings together most of the
available data on age change. If you have an interest in the changing of ages,
this is a good episode to catch, and the transcript will be given away free to
help with the cross-cultural conversation.
Original post on Crrow777 Radio