There are many things that are on the rise right now. We will touch on 3 of
them: consciousness, rising illness rates, and what may be a second sun. I
first filmed what I call the second sun in 2015, though I still guess at what
it might be. What is known is that our sun has a lot to do with life and
consciousness in our world, and that it plays a key role in age changes. As for
the other object, one can only imagine what two suns might mean for human
consciousness. And yes, consciousness is on the rise for many of us. Hollywood
has even taken time to fictionalize consciousness evolution in films like the
X-Men and (TV) Heroes. Isn’t it interesting that the rise in consciousness
coincides closely with a rise in illnesses that used to be rare. As an example,
currently 1 in 38 births are beset with some form of Autism. This number used
to be one in many thousands when I was young. Then there is the astounding
explosion of Dementia over the past 4 decades? There are, of course, many other
illnesses that have grown exponentially in recent decades. Clearly this can all
be linked to food, products, medicine, chemicals, chemtrails (etc…), and the
major corporations who make and sell all of these things. It is almost like
someone somewhere is trying to prevent our expanding minds and abilities and
control populations at the same time. Or… is it exactly like that? Whatever the
truth is – based on recent and ongoing attempts to force medical procedures
that are meant to modify DNA, don’t we have every right to be suspicious? Or
has it become a duty to humanity to be suspicious, based on the number of
deaths and injuries that no one has been allowed to question or talk about
professionally, or online? Questioning the “world is sick” narrative in any way
has resulted in censorship, deplatforming, job loss and many other suspicious
responses from so-called authority. And yet, nary a law was passed to compel
anyone to do anything by force of law – as corporations took on the role of
dictators demanding and mandating that we all line up for DNA modification. The
Great Winnowing is upon us, and much has been lost over the past few years, to
include, quite possibly, the rule of law. Together we must stand, as the seeds
of division are being sown by every media outlet, beer maker and movie studio.
Together this can all be dealt with. Divided, we have already lost. And therein
lies the power of red and blue, and the mind virus that carries imaginary
enemies painted in primary colors – and now – combined with race and gender for
added effect. Together we stand. Divided, we lose it all.
Original post on Crrow777 Radio