Tag - terrorism

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WATCH: James Delingpole and Iain Davis discuss The Manchester Attack

Iain Davis joins James Delingpole on The Delingpod to discuss Iain’s latest book The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation, how the evidence exposes the alleged terrorist bombing as a hoaxed false flag and the recent trial of journalist Richard D. Hall for bringing much of this evidence to […]

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Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!

It can be a strange feeling, at times, to be putting forward an understanding of the world that differs so radically from that generally accepted by my contemporaries. Recently I found myself wondering, as I tried to summarise my findings to some acquaintances, whether I was really on the right […]

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UK Riots: The agenda becomes clear…

Those outside the UK might not have heard, but it’s been a violent week in the UK. Here’s a quick rundown of the official story so far: Four days ago a 17-year-old allegedly walked into a children’s “Taylor Swift dance class” (whatever that might be)  in Southport and started stabbing little girls, […]

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Asymmetric Idiocy

I miss the 1970s sometimes. Not just the music. And the sex. And the drugs. I miss the terrorists. The old-school terrorists. Or, OK, maybe not the terrorists, but the revolutionaries who cheered on the terrorists. I miss the clarity, and the honesty, of that era. Maybe you’re too young to remember, […]

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