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597- 2020 Vision: Man Keeps Job, Uses Law to Protect Family, Wife/Children Untainted (Free)

When you do not stand up for your rights, you have no rights. This is true for families too. Historically it has been the man who held the responsibility of protecting the family. In this episode we talk with a man who did not forget his responsibility as a father and husband. The long held cultural […]

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596- From Skin in the Game, to Brain Fog – Strategy Required (Free)

It has become a full-time job to remain healthy in what may be the most toxic era in known history. And if you live in the U.S. even the food and water supplies have become toxin-filled traps. On the upside, once you are aware of the situation, you can take action, instead of blindly consuming […]

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595- The Bell Cannot Toll for You because it was Stolen, Replaced & Detuned (Free)

In this 3d material reality there is darkness which must be because there is light. We also have truth in this reality. It is provided solely by nature. A few days ago, nature provided an equinox in order to show us that balance is possible in this realm. There are currently only two days of balance […]

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594- Finding Health in a Toxic Era (Free)

It is no secret that the food supply in the U.S. is among the worst in the world. Many edible products produced here are actually outlawed from import to the entire world. It is said that pork is one such product due to the terrible chemicals used to speed time to market. There are, of course, many […]

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593- Classical Health Lineages Falling to Agendas (Free)

Once upon a time – there was an ancient healing method whereby doctors did not get paid unless they cured you. Once upon a time – healing techniques and knowledge could be traced back through “lineages” where honor and respect were bestowed on those who excelled and passed on the knowledge of […]

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592.5- Even Cars are Hackable (Free)

There are very few things left in modern life that are not connected to data systems. Cars are now no exception. This means that the symbol of American freedom is now the exact opposite. Cars have become data collecting tracking devices, as is true of nearly all modern conveniences. This means that […]

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592- Cancer, not the Crab Wrongly Associated with the Solstice (Free)

Cancer, the dis-ease that we never find a cure for. Cancer, the zodiacal crab that is wrongly associated with the height of the power of the sun, and the tropic that marks its most northern extent for the year. Cancer, an endless money-maker for the western medical, and pharmaceutical industries. […]

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591- There Can Only be One, If They Win (Free)

Why does it feel like everything is changing? Why does it feel like something, or someone, is trying to take over the entire world? It is very clear that the era, or age is changing, but it also seems like powerful forces are aware of the cyclical shift, and are leveraging off the energy in order to […]

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590- The Era of Toxic Overload – with Dr. Robert (Free)

In this episode we learn more about how to deal with this era of toxic overload. There are a number of important nutrients that are required when one seeks to detox, among other things worth knowing. Also, we cover how, and where, one can test to determine what metals and toxins are present before […]

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589.5- Special 2nd Sun Episode (Free)

This episode covers the work I have been doing with my solar telescope. It also covers what I consider to be relevant information about the sun. In the modern era most of what we are told about the Skyclock and luminaries is completely separated from any idea of spiritual concerns. In my view this […]

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589- New Life with a Natural Advantage, a Soul Arrives Pharma-Free (Free)

At what point did we decide that nature no longer knows how to bring new life into the world without our medical, pharmaceutical, and technological intervention? At what point did childbirth become connected with fear and danger? We know that bad things can happen, but in truth, isn’t misfortune an […]

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588- Solfeggio, Beneficial Frequencies in Music is Common Sense (Free)

Music used to “soothe the soul”. Some decades ago, it was weaponized. Not only were the frequencies being used intentionally shifted away from beneficial vibration but, the content itself was slowly moved away from brilliant complexity, toward lower minded and simplified messaging and melody. In […]

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587- Vibration Creates the Material World – Everything (Free)

It would have been very helpful, and useful, if in our school days we were taught the foundational importance of vibration. Color, sound, form, shape and light are related when they are considered as a frequency, or vibration. There is probably a very good reason why the importance of vibration is […]

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586- Take a Ride on Heavy Metals, or Get Rid of Them (Free)

From our food, to the air we breathe, and the water we drink, the world has become a very toxic place. For those of us who wish to be healthy, toxins have become a primary concern. Toxicity is becoming the main suspect associated with many modern woes, and health concerns we all must deal with. It […]

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585.5- Revelation of the Method 7-13-24 – Our Processing in the Alchemical Crucible (Free)

Our guest was friends and worked with James Shelby Downard, and co-authored “King Kill 33”. Until you have read KK 33, you remain blind to the hidden methods that were used in the occult founding of this country. In this episode we will examine the latest societal destabilization event that is being […]

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