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“Gene-Edited” vs “Genetically Modified” – What’s the difference?

Have you heard? Gene-edited crops and livestock are here to solve all our problems! Yes, everything from pandemics to the cost of living crisis to climate change is about to get so much better. Isn’t that a relief? Five days ago, the WaPo reported that “gene-editors” were: working to genetically […]

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OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous

The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially revealed as a mainstream position now. As we always predicted it would be. Two weeks ago the New York Times ran a long opinion piece endorsing it (we covered it in This Week). Last week economist Jeffrey Sachs endorsed it in his 2-hour […]

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[UPDATED] And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming…

The bird flu narrative is constantly developing, so I figured it was time for an update. You know…to keep you all abreast of the chicken situation. Ba dum tss! Back in April the scare stories were about Bird Flu jumping from birds to cattle and from cattle to people, and how – as a result …Original […]

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