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Don’t Trust the Government. Not with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson Public trust in the government to “do what is right” understandably remains at an all-time low. After all, how do you trust a government that […]

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Turning Technology

Now, I could write about the way the leaves on the maples are beginning to fall without that cold snap at night that drapes the forest in colours. I could. But I won’t because something much more “in the world” is bothering me. It’s this whole thing in Lebanon with exploding pagers and walkie […]

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Another September 11th

Rolling out of my crib before dawn today (I was in it long before the charlatans Harris and Trump began their theatrical “debate”), it being another September 11th, I wondered where Dick Cheney was. And I was still wondering where Elmer Gantry was, having received the previous day a form message […]

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Children of Big Brother: What It Means to Go Back-to-School in the American Police State

“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.” Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes It’s not easy being a child in the […]

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AUDIO: Kit Knightly on Reality Check Radio – September Edition

OffG editor Kit Knightly’s latest monthly chat with Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio’s Breakfast Show. Kit and Paul talk about the looming US election, the rise of genetically edited foods around the world the on-going social media censorship push and more. Reality Check Radio is an independent […]

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Bugs and Goo: Welcome to “alternative protein”

Sometimes it feels like writing for OffG has fallen into a recognizable pattern the last two years, one that could be best summed up “as ignoring the (mostly) fake stuff on the front pages and collating the real stuff on the back”. Regular reminders that no matter who you vote for, or which side […]

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WATCH: James Delingpole and Iain Davis discuss The Manchester Attack

Iain Davis joins James Delingpole on The Delingpod to discuss Iain’s latest book The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation, how the evidence exposes the alleged terrorist bombing as a hoaxed false flag and the recent trial of journalist Richard D. Hall for bringing much of this evidence to […]

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Technofascism: The Government Pressured Tech Companies to Censor Users

“Internet platforms have a powerful incentive to please important federal officials, and the record in this case shows that high-ranking officials skillfully exploited Facebook’s vulnerability… Not surprisingly these efforts bore fruit. Facebook adopted new rules that better conformed to the […]

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“Gene-Edited” vs “Genetically Modified” – What’s the difference?

Have you heard? Gene-edited crops and livestock are here to solve all our problems! Yes, everything from pandemics to the cost of living crisis to climate change is about to get so much better. Isn’t that a relief? Five days ago, the WaPo reported that “gene-editors” were: working to genetically […]

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Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!

It can be a strange feeling, at times, to be putting forward an understanding of the world that differs so radically from that generally accepted by my contemporaries. Recently I found myself wondering, as I tried to summarise my findings to some acquaintances, whether I was really on the right […]

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The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom

“When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself […]

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The Joy of Defiance

Born free, as free as the wind blows. As free as the grass grows. Born free to follow your heart. Remember that song? Here you will find the full lyrics. Andy Williams sang it and made it famous. John Barry wrote the music, Don Black the lyrics. It was written for the movie of the …Original post on […]

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How (and why) they sell X as a “bastion of free speech”

Donald Trump is back on the app formerly known as Twitter. After almost four years in the “Truth Social” wilderness he sat down with Elon Musk for a 3-hour conversation. On our side of the pond, Musk is taking every opportunity he can to troll Keir Starmer’s government, comparing the UK to something […]

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Fascism 2.0 – The changing face of social media censorship

Facebook make only about £34 a year from the average customer in the UK – a little under £3 a month (and that’s before costs) so clearly there is no head-room or motivation, for a human level of customer service or attention. The user is not the customer; rather, they are the product whose data […]

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Monkeypox – Here come the vaccines…

The Monkeypox outbreak version 2.0 is progressing along predictable lines, gliding smoothly from the “declare emergency” phase to the “vaccines for everybody” phase. The first step is to outline that Mpox 2024 is totally different from Monkeypox 2022. How have they established that? The same way […]

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