Tag - Iain Davis

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WATCH: James Delingpole and Iain Davis discuss The Manchester Attack

Iain Davis joins James Delingpole on The Delingpod to discuss Iain’s latest book The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation, how the evidence exposes the alleged terrorist bombing as a hoaxed false flag and the recent trial of journalist Richard D. Hall for bringing much of this evidence to […]

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Using Bitcoin and Stablecoins to Expand Dollar Dominance with Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin

Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin join Catherine Austin Fitts on the Solari Report to discuss the fast-moving developments in the world of digital money. Published on 08/20/24. Show notes: […]

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Go on! Fight! Fight! Fight!

In every community, in every corner of the land, the time has come to fight. It is time to stand up against the forces destroying our “way of life.” Now is the moment to stand against our oppressor, draw a line in the sand and defend it with all our hearts. But “now” is merely …Original post on […]

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2024-07-19 The Jimmy Dore Show - Part 1

Whitney joined The Jimmy Dore Show to discuss Peter Thiel and his connections to Trump’s VP, J.D. Vance. Full interview information here: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/press/the-jimmy-dore-show-5/ Find more recent interviews here: https://unlimitedhangout.com/reports/press/ Sign up for the […]

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Oh what a tangled web Spring weaves

On Sunday night I watched the footy at my Mum’s. Thoroughly deflated by England’s 2-1 defeat to Spain and irritated by BBC “pundits,” I then had the misfortune to watch the BBC evening news’ alleged analysis of the Trump shooting. Now, it seemed to me that the BBC were asking us all to believe that […]

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