Tag - the next pandemic

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Monkeypox – Here come the vaccines…

The Monkeypox outbreak version 2.0 is progressing along predictable lines, gliding smoothly from the “declare emergency” phase to the “vaccines for everybody” phase. The first step is to outline that Mpox 2024 is totally different from Monkeypox 2022. How have they established that? The same way […]

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Bird Flu Update: signposts of the coming rollout

Two days ago we published my latest bird flu article, “How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase”. Less than 12 hours later Salon published a 3000-word article about bird flu, which dedicates about 2000 of those words to “experts” talking about how we’re not testing enough […]

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[UPDATED] And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming…

The bird flu narrative is constantly developing, so I figured it was time for an update. You know…to keep you all abreast of the chicken situation. Ba dum tss! Back in April the scare stories were about Bird Flu jumping from birds to cattle and from cattle to people, and how – as a result …Original […]

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